
The iPhone 5 Will Be Released In Early September

Cody from FroogleGeek: "Ever since the iPhone 5 missed its anticipated release of June/July everyone has been wondering when the phone will be released. I personally have been waiting on the iPhone 5 to come out since Verizon got the iPhone 4. However there have been rumors that have said the iPhone 5 wouldn’t be released until next year, which for me is something that worried me since I was anticipating getting the iPhone 5 in June or July."

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ASSASSYN 36o4710d ago (Edited 4710d ago )

I am waiting On the iPhone 6 which launches next year.

iNFAMOUZ14710d ago

who cares??? android over took them ages ago, apple = yawn.

duplissi4710d ago

ah, will be a decent phone for people who want a smart phone because everyone else is getting one. or if they want something that is dummy proof as far as interface goes.


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franwex2626d ago

I still use my iPhone 4. It's my alarm clock and sometimes I watch youtube on the mobile browser late at night.