The multitude of stories that have recently come up singing praises of Android for growing at a mind numbing 861.5 percent seem to be fairly justified at first sight. However, there is a hidden truth here that everyone seems to be forgetting. The market revenues of Android are still flimsy to say the least.
News.Cnet : Given how many people do e-mail on their phones, shouldn't Android have a consistent, native app that rivals the iPhone?
Techie Insider: Angry Birds was the most downloaded app for smartphones and tablets in 2011 ahead of Facebook and Skype according to a new report by research firm Distimo.
HackSlurp-"It looks as though there’s been an update to the Android Market, and the .apk file of version 3.4.4 has just landed in our lap. The first noticeable differences include speed enhancements and the addition of a setting that allows auto-adding of widgets to your home screen. Unfortunately, from a quick test, it doesn’t seem to add widgets — it adds app icons, which throws a bit of confusion into the mix. There’s possibly more to this update, but nothing I’ve managed to distinguish just yet. If anything else catches my attention, I’ll be sure to let you know."