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Speed-Racer (3) - 4913d ago Cancel
michass8 (2) - 4912d ago Cancel
thesoletech (1) - 4912d ago Cancel

VTech's InnoPad brings tablets to youngsters, floods their sponge-like brains with knowledge

Engadget: Looking for a telltale sign that tablets have shot right past mainstream and into over-saturation? Fix your focus a few pixels up, and you'll be staring at it. VTech has just pushed out its InnoPad, a learning tablet developed specifically for kids aged 4 to 104 (or 9, if you're concerned with "facts").

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Community4912d ago

The Top 10 Hacks of 2015


While there are lots of advantages to living in the digital age, there are some things that make it an even more frightening time, such as the higher chances of having our personal information stolen. Unfortunately, there's only so much we can do to prevent ourselves. It can be a massive disruption if our information is compromised, especially if it's stolen from a company we've entrusted to keep our private data secure.

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The description does not need to be this long.
Speed-Racer3136d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Add the tech company tags for those that have them.
sonicwrecks3136d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community3136d ago
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WizzroSupreme3136d ago
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WizzroSupreme3136d ago
WizzroSupreme3136d ago

The year we called 2015 sure was a minefield of hacks. Stay safe, Internet.

R6ex3135d ago

I'm signing up for a quality, paid VPN.