Akihabara News: We know, only Thanko’s staff wicked mind can come with such thing, but hey who are we to judge here? So if like most Japanese in like in winter to wear filter mask to avoid germs, you may have realized that these masks are not the most confortable stuff when it comes to breath easily, personally I can’t stand them.
The Web Graffiti: "There’s always something interesting to come out of Japan that makes us say wow and damn. If you’re at work and your boss is giving you a steaming headache, then you’ll need this USB Head Massager from a company called Thanko. Come to think of it, Thanko has everything you may need for your daily life requirement."
Akihabara News: Ok, I rarely say that form Thanko’s product but this new Earphone with Built-tin alarm, the EARINALM, are just pure genius! Take you average earphones and add within its remote control a little alarm clock and voila! Just set the alarm whenever you want and if you fall asleep while listening to music in the train your little earphones with built-in alarm will wake you up immediately by replacing your tune with a good old annoying alarm sound.
LOL very simple, but interesting idea. I usually using my smartphone for listen the music, so if I am tired i actually simply set us alarm (just in case), but overall alarm in earphones is great idea as most mp3 players don't have alarm...
Engadget: We've all ready the scary reports of what happens when a laptop makes your lap top a little too toasty. The solution? Buying a desk, obviously, and now Thanko has one that you can take with you.
LOL, WTF is this, i can't believe that "Thanko" believes that people will actually buy this...lol