
Nook Color earns its very early, very unofficial Android 3.0 Honeycomb wings

Engadget: One of the first things that happens after a new platform emulator breaks loose is that a bunch of hackers far smarter than ourselves get hold of it, tear it apart, and port it to whatever's convenient. In the case of this week's Android 3.0 Honeycomb preview, "whatever's convenient" would be the Nook Color, which reigns as perhaps the cheapest decent-quality Android tablet money can currently buy.

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Community4928d ago

Goodnight and good Nook: farewell to a beloved e-reader

Barnes & Noble has shut down its ebook store. It may have been overshadowed and outsold by the Kindle, but for some readers, it was briefly a revelation

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Community3063d ago

E-book seller Nook pulls out of UK

Barnes & Noble will stop selling digital books for its Nook device on 15 March, the firm said on World Book Day.

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Community3065d ago

Microsoft stock climbs as company parts ways with Barnes & Noble, takes a loss

Back in 2012, Microsoft entered into an agreement with Barnes & Noble to fund their (at the time, quite popular) e-reader/tablet, the Nook. The deal saw Microsoft invest over $300 million in exchange for a 17.6% stake in the rising digital business. However, after years of slumping Nook sales due to the rise of the Kindle and the iPad, as well as Microsoft releasing its own tablet, the Surface line, both companies have agreed to end the pact and split ways.

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