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Engadget interview: SCEA's Jack Tretton talks Sony NGP, announces PlayStation Suite for PS3

Engadget: Ever since his candid and humorous E3 2009 Sony keynote introduction -- wherein he thanked the audience for showing up despite the big news (PSP Go) having already been leaked -- we've always had something of a soft spot for Jack Tretton.

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PlayStation Watch tells time and not much else

Ready for preorder, ships May 19th.

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Community3374d ago

The Head Of Sony Computer Entertainment Steps Down

TechCrunch: Jack Tretton has left the game. The longtime Sony executive is stepping down from his role as President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America where he was essentially in charge of the state-side PlayStation division.

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Spiewie 3794d ago
Spiewie 3795d ago

That's a very high up position to step down from. I'd stay.

RetrospectRealm3794d ago

Well CEO is the leader of the company... so yeah... kind of obvious.

bub163794d ago

People keep saying Sony is hiding something with recent lay offs and other high up people leaving their current positions in the gaming industry. BUT Jack has been working with Sony for 19 years!! He's probably had enough or something lol

coolbeans3794d ago

Funniest moment from him: Promising to pay $1.2k for every PS3 you find in stores.

Still can't get over that. Besides that, he seemed to be a solid businessman.

RetrospectRealm3794d ago

Definitely knew how to run the company right, unlike Microsoft with their Xbox. Let's hope his successor is just as good.

coolbeans3794d ago

"...unlike Microsoft with their Xbox."

Currently, they still have kinks to work out and an image to continue restoring since One's reveal, but that hasn't always been the case.

-The start of the Original Xbox actually began as a pretty genuine example of a console manufacturer providing PC-like hardware with a lot of developer feedback on what they wanted to see at the time.

-The 360 copied that same developer-friendly penchant (still mostly AAA at the time) when it came to hardware and had a great starting run for indies getting that sort of success.

They've known how to handle Xbox well in the past, but not with much consistency. And those bad times are really, really pronounced.

RetrospectRealm3794d ago

I was talking about Xbox now. I've been an Xbox user since the first one, but switched over when One came out.

coolbeans3794d ago (Edited 3794d ago )

I got what you were focusing on. That's why I said "Currently, they still have kinks to work out and an image to continue restoring since One's reveal."


PlayStation 4 Stock So Low Sony President Gives Up His Console So They Could Sell It

Mirror.The PS4 shortage is so severe that even US Sony boss Jack Tretton doesn't have one saying he said he'd rather a customer buy it.

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GentlemenRUs3874d ago

I lol'd.

Though that move is... well... sweet ;)

Raf1k13873d ago

That's an interesting spin on it. They're either desperate to sell as many consoles as possible or he was just being nice.

Spiewie 3873d ago

It's ridiculous he probably has two more playstations in his house.