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toaster (3) - 4937d ago Cancel
Tuxmask55 (2) - 4937d ago Cancel

Recombu: Palm Pre 2 Review

Recombu: The latest Palm phone, it’s a sequel to last year’s Pre Plus, now brandishing the latest version of webOS, and both a touchscreen and sliding keyboard. The back now has a matt finish, but the shape is unmistakably Palm.

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Community4937d ago
Tuxmask554937d ago

I still giggle whenever I see/hear the name of this smartphone. "I got pre on my palm." lawl


Top Ten Apps for the Palm Pre 2

Bright Hub: Finding the best Palm Pre 2 apps isn't easy, as they aren't all in one easy to find place. And even if you do just use the App Catalog on your phone, how do you really know if they are any good? We take a look at the top ten applications for your Palm to keep you and your Pre 2 happy.

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Community4884d ago

HP reportedly releases webOS 2.1 Update for Palm Pre 2

According to several reorts, the HP Palm Pre 2 has started to get webOS 2.1 update worldwide, webOS 2.1 update will bring features such as Exhibition, Voice Dial, other improvements to Email, messaging and tasks.

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Community4886d ago
techprezz4885d ago

Anyone here used webOS before?? Hows it working ???


Palm Pre 2 launching on Verizon February 17th?

Engadget: We've been ribbing the Pre 2 lately for being so far past its prime that a launch of any kind on Verizon is starting to seem implausible -- but it looks like these guys might still be willing to throw it out on shelves for a little while.

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