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Captain Tuttle (3) - 4949d ago Cancel
EddyD (1) - 4949d ago Cancel
Techsmith (1) - 4950d ago Cancel
JoeIsMad (1) - 4949d ago Cancel

Asus PrimeSense camera: hands on with a Kinect rival

You can play games – "Electric Pig" was treated to a demo involving a green monster whirring swords matching your arms’ flailing. And the movements were closely in sync. People moving in front didn’t drop the connection, though calibration time definitely seemed longer than we’re used to with Kinect.

But the really exciting aspect of the Asus PrimeSense camera is the ability to pull up your own media with a wave of your arm. That’s right: not what’s available on Zune, Sky Player or, but your own pictures and videos on your own hard driven, easily Kinect’s most glaring omission. You can scroll through endless thumbnails of your piccies at speed, and because the connection is via wireless HDMI, crispy sharp movies at the wave of a hand should be no trouble either.

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Community4949d ago
Gondee4948d ago

No mass-market exposure like Kinetic. This will fail, and fail hard.


I flew to Europe and forgot the OnePlus Watch 2's charger – here's how long it lasted

The OnePlus Watch 2 is touted for having incredible battery life for a Wear OS watch, and that saved me when I forgot the charger on a trip.

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Community146d ago

15 Tips & Settings to Get the Most Out of Vision Pro

Vision Pro is here and it’s a surprisingly capable device. Apple has also loaded the headset with a ton of options and features that aren’t obvious at first glance.

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Community146d ago

Why the Apple Ring could be the missing piece of Apple's ecosystem

Ringing the changes: All the news, rumors, and tips you missed last week.

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