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Syko (10) - 5287d ago Cancel
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techie (1) - 5288d ago Cancel
SandWitch (1) - 5287d ago Cancel

ZoneAlarm Uses Scare Tactics With Global Virus Alerts!

Users of ZoneAlarm has recently received a message that is meant to scare users to buy better protection.

The purpose is to get users to upgrade their product to ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite. The fact that ZoneAlarm uses methods that are more used by those who try to fraud internet users into buying false security software is not a good sign.

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Community5287d ago

Over 1 million Google accounts compromised thanks to old Android software

Over 13,000 Google accounts are being compromised on a daily basis thanks to outdated Android software.

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Community3024d ago
Speed-Racer3024d ago

One of the downsides of fragmented software.

joeorc3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Speed that is not quite correct about being fragmented..

It's more akin to updated version over the legacy OS..both still use the same APK package file system for all applications and Games..same as Amazon fire devices , many APK's will work across the same version of Android OS...

Example not all iOS devices can be updated to the new iOS a iPhone 3Gs cannot go up past IOS ver 4...
Fragmented OS versions happen all the time..its not Quite the same thing as a fragmented Eco system.

Speed-Racer3024d ago

Agreed. I could have been a bit clearer about that.

Zerg3024d ago

This is why Apple rawks

kcuthbertson3024d ago when all the celebrities icloud pictures were safely tucked away..

FreakyFox3024d ago

This is nothing to do with a outdated OS, as they can be patched, this is to do with apps that are not vetted on the app store. I feel the door has been left open on purpose, so they can say "Yeah its the old OS, you need the new OS , yeah sorry you need to buy a new phone/tablet so you can use the new OS". This is not exclusive to just one company, it's all of them.

Lon3wolf3024d ago

"Gooligan is actually quite a complex piece of software. First, the hackers hide the infected code in bogus, free lookalike apps hosted on third-party Android app stores (anything outside of Google Play)"

Enough said.

3024d ago