Nodoubt Apple іѕ thе οnƖу brand whісh hаѕ ɡοt a hυɡе variety οf handsets іn stores. It hаѕ now stunned thе UK market wіth thе аƖƖ nеw Apple iPhone 4. Apple iPhone 4 іѕ thе mοѕt awaited handset еνеr. Thе gadget іѕ selling Ɩіkе hot cakes іn thе UK market. People аrе going crazy wіth thіѕ bеаυtіfυƖ mobile phone аnԁ whу nοt? Wіth such аn awesome outlook аnԁ fabulous features, аnу human being іѕ supposed tο Ɩονе thіѕ gadget.
According to Apple, they are working on making exterior design of iPhone 12 better. Jin Store has got the drawings as well as the moulds from case makers.
Reliable Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo at KGI Securities has today issued a new note in which he says that Apple will entirely revamp its iPhone lineup come 2017. According to Kuo, Apple in 2017 will release a new iPhone with glass casing and an AMOLED display. This somewhat contradicts an earlier note from the analyst that said Apple was aiming for an AMOLED iPhone by 2018.
iSquad Repair's Gabe Carey explores the vast history of Apple's iPhone hardware iterations, beginning with the original iPhone and ending with the rumors surrounding iPhone 6.
Not even gonna read.
the answer is No.