
Apple’s 3×3cm Touchscreen is the Real iWatch?

Slash Gear: Do you remember the iWatch? It was a concept from ADR Studio, and it was something that they wished Apple would unveil at this year’s WWDC. Obviously none of that happened, but that doesn’t mean the concept from the studio wasn’t out-right awesome. But, it didn’t look like Apple was interested in doing anything that small with touchscreens. Until now. Thanks to some leaked images, it looks like Apple is busy working on something that utilizes a touchscreen measuring only 3×3cm.

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fatstarr5128d ago

Milking the cow and then directing them to slaughter.
yup apples strategy 2007 2008 2009 and now 2010. Killed more cows then Mcdonalds.


Apple iWatch Series 3 Cellular – Honest Review • FinalBoss.io

It’s been over a year now since the iWatch Series 3 Cellular was released. Reviews came flooding out the gate, as they always do, but is an immediate reaction really going to give you a sense of how a watch impacts day-to-day life?

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Apple Watch 2 - Here’s What the Rumors Suggest

Will the Apple Inc Watch 2 be an improvement over its previous iteration?

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micx3052d ago

I felt like the first Apple Watch was overpriced and wasn't too atractive, it looked more like a toy. I still prefer classic watches.


Has Apple Watch helped you get in shape?

Apple Watch has been on our wrists for just five months and yet it is already having an amazing impact on many people’s lives.

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