"Tech repair and upgrade website iFixit has claimed that the Apple Watch won’t be a long term option for those hoping to continually upgrade their device."
It’s been over a year now since the iWatch Series 3 Cellular was released. Reviews came flooding out the gate, as they always do, but is an immediate reaction really going to give you a sense of how a watch impacts day-to-day life?
Will the Apple Inc Watch 2 be an improvement over its previous iteration?
I felt like the first Apple Watch was overpriced and wasn't too atractive, it looked more like a toy. I still prefer classic watches.
Apple Watch has been on our wrists for just five months and yet it is already having an amazing impact on many people’s lives.
Technology + Capitalism = Planned obsolescence.
Since when have we been able to upgrade any mobile products from any manufacturer? Guess Ifixit needs its share of clickbait too
I'm sure the targeted consumer is aware of this; otherwise they can just buy a regular watch.