
6 Ways Free Starbucks Wifi Will Change Your Internet Experience

The Atlantic Wire: Ubiquitous coffee shop Starbucks will now offer free Wifi in all stores after years of charging customers to access the Internet.

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The FBI reportedly downloaded CIA hacking tools over Starbucks’s WiFi

Ah, Starbucks. It's the place to go for your Pumpkin Spice fix, but it also seems that it's the place to go to download FBI hacking tools.

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Uber Eats will soon start delivering Starbucks to New York, Boston, Los Angeles, and more

Starbucks announced that it's finally launching this new delivery service to six of the biggest cities across the United States.

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Starbucks finally bans porn on its free WiFi so act accordingly

Starbucks has developed a tool to block porn on its WiFi, but still allow mature content. Too much or not enough? You decide!

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