
Recording Industry Wants $1 Billion From LimeWire

Mashable: After winning a ruling against peer-to-peer file-sharing service LimeWire last month, the recording industry has told a federal judge it aims to recoup “over a billion dollars” from the defendant as well.

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fatstarr5160d ago

o.o wow that is a lot. Limewire has been out for a while. I think they racked up more than a billion... but it should show them that there is no more money in music biz... Maybe famous people shouldn't get paid that much money. It is after all the consumers money and attention that makes them their fortune.


Remember LimeWire? Well, it's coming back as an NFT marketplace for some reason

This wasn't on my 2022 Bingo card.

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What Pirating Taught Me About Life

Huffington Post - Digital piracy has been around as long as computers. Lifelong pirate and troll Dr. Brian Penny discusses a brief history of pirating, from Napster and forums to warez and the deep web, learn how resourceful pirates truly arrrrgh, matey!

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Hollywood studios latest to sue LimeWire

Cnet: With a frown on his face and holding his head in his hand, LimeWire founder Mark Gorton appeared depressed last May as he sat in a New York courtroom.

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