
Coming to Firefox: Ads based on your browsing history

Mozilla is on a mission to show that online advertising can be done without violating a user’s privacy—or at least not violating it too much. Next week, the beta channel of Firefox will start testing new advertising tiles based on a user’s browsing history.

Yehshuah3351d ago

mozilla, please stop it with the ads already.This is why I gave up on firefox

Yehshuah3350d ago

didn't work. still kept appearing. with opera, adblock worked

ChrisW3350d ago


Should work by manually blocking the ads window on whatever page you're visiting.

The only reason why I say "should" is because I haven't run into any of these 'new' ads. But I have had to do it on some pages where ads are ingrained into the page and are not automatically blocked.

Dasteru3350d ago

Click the Adblock icon, go into "filter preferences" and uncheck "allow some non-intrusive advertising"

Software_Lover3351d ago

I hate ads. Especially when I have to watch a 30sec ad for a 20 sec clip (ESPN).

subtenko3350d ago

You have the right to block ads! Especially if its from those big companys putting a 30sec ad on a 20 sec clip aint good. Block it! Find the same clip from the smaller people

kingPoS3350d ago

I'll just not bother to update it then.

KingPin3350d ago

well now that we have some pretty decent replacements, i dont mind dropping Firefox as quick as i was dropped IE.

SilentNegotiator3350d ago

Yeah...that's definitely not a welcomed change.

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Mozilla’s Firefox browser arrives in the Windows store

Mozilla is bringing Firefox to Microsoft’s Windows store today. Firefox is one of the first third-party alternatives available in the Microsoft Store, and it’s using its own Gecko browser engine instead of Chromium alternatives like Opera or the many other alternatives that leverage Microsoft’s Edge webview.

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PhilippineRuel984d ago

Interesting interaction. You have to try


PSA: If you’re using these Chrome and Firefox extensions, delete them right now

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