
How to get started with Linux: A beginner's guide

The world of Linux is ready to welcome you, with a shower of free open-source software you can use on any PC: hundreds of active Linux distributions, and dozens of different desktop environments you could run on them. It’s a far cry from the one-size-fits-all, this-is-just-what-comes-with-y our-PC vision of Windows.

Everything from software installation to hardware drivers works differently on Linux, though, which can be daunting. Take heart—you don’t even need to install Linux on your PC to get started. Here’s everything you need to know.

KingPin3355d ago

i found linux mint more user friendly than ubuntu when i started however i enjoyed ubuntu UI coz it was different.

on the whole, windows users using Mint will feel right at home.
adding/removing programs are fairly simple. all programs are basically located in one place. not to mention, if you looking for a program on a website, downloading the .deb file and double clicking it takes you the software manager to install it. quite simple actually.

i think linux has improved now to a point where you dont even need the terminal to get things done, however, taking the time and effort to learn the terminal will be a huge step to increasing ease of use.

SilentNegotiator3355d ago (Edited 3355d ago )

I've always wanted to get into Linux, but then I always remember that all of the software that I need for school and work uses Windows and I can't be bothered to dual boot an extra OS when the one does everything I need.

Ultimately, I just wish that Microsoft had some real competition in the OS arena and I like the idea of an OS with as many options as Linux. And I want something not tied to overpriced hardware.

andrewer3355d ago

My teacher said Ubuntu has some controversies just FYI: http://arstechnica.com/info...
Used Ubuntu for a long time, but now I'm going to use debian.
Anyways, linux is an awesome system, incredibly well done, really recommend it, at least in a dual-boot.


Targeting Windows and Linux systems, a new crypto-mining malware, LemonDuck came around

Targeting Windows and Linux systems, a new crypto-mining malware, LemonDuck came around. Follow advises from the Microsoft.

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congnghebizo1089d ago

Website: https://phukiendienthoaigia...

Trung tâm Phân Phối Phụ Kiện Điện Thoại, Thiết Bị Công Nghệ

congnghebizo1089d ago

Trung tâm Phân Phối Phụ Kiện Điện Thoại, Thiết Bị Công Nghệ


You can now run Linux on your M1-equipped Mac, kind of | KnowTechie

Apple’s new M1 powered Macs have blisteringly fast speed, but only if you want to use macOS. Windows support might be a ways off, but if you want to tinker with Linux there’s now a port for Ubuntu to run on the new ARM-powered Macs

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