
Samsung Removes “Ok Google” From Galaxy S6 Without Explanation

Samsung has removed the “Ok Google,” a feature many users claim is the holy grail of Goolge search app on the Samsung Galaxy S6. This “Ok Google” allows users to perform search anywhere within the device.

proudly_X3377d ago

I hate it when corporation force users into buying stuffs, and they buy it.. They start removing features in sequence instead of adding.

KnowTechie3377d ago

Can samsung do that, I mean legally?

proudly_X3377d ago

I am pretty sure they can.. Otherwise they Samsung won't have take the first step

3375d ago
freshslicepizza3375d ago

i cannot stand companies who want to speak on behalf of their consumers. if you cannot offer them the choice then the feature isn't worth having because it means you are worried they won't use it. apple tried this nonsense with google maps too.

thereapersson3375d ago

Welp, looks like this removes the next Galaxy off my possible phones to buy list! I use OK Google all the time, and I'm not touching Samsung bloatware or any of their contrived alternatives to Google Voice Search.


Samsung Galaxy S6 could get the Android Oreo upgrade after all

A few weeks back, we reported that Samsung is not going to release the Android Oreo upgrade for the Samsung Galaxy S6. The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge seemed to be the oldest models to get the new software.

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KingPin2432d ago

i think manufacturers should support flagships much longer than they do currently.

however, if they dont, the upside to having a flagship phone and community development.
if the manufacturer doesnt want to update the android, a custom rom will do it just fine.


Samsung’s Galaxy S7 series is selling a lot better than the Galaxy S6 did

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Verizon is finally ready to start rolling out Marshmallow to the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge

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