We’ve seen a lot of people express their disillusion with Google Glass over the last year — Google fanboy Jeff Jarvis’s declaration that he “*hates*” Glass is still one of our favorites — but a new 10-minute video posted by Geek Beat is the single most brutal point-by-point takedown of Glass’s design and functionality we’ve yet seen.
Is this the next iteration of Google Glass?
Modern technology is built into new smart glasses now being offered by Waterloo, Canada-based North, formerly Thalmic Labs. Focals feature a transparent holographic display built into its lenses that only the wearer can see.
Google partner Streye is selling Google Glass Enterprise Edition for $1,800.
"780mAh battery" yeah, no thanks. I've seen what batteries do when they overheat; but hopefully they won't have a Samsung situation.
Google should have at least made it look like the one cyclops wear.