
Windows 9 Start Menu spotted

A screenshot has surfaced on the web via the My Digital Life forums showing what appears to be a very early build of the Windows 9 start menu. To facilitate both tablet and desktop users, they’ve essentially combined that of the Windows 7 start menu and Windows 8 tile interface to bring the best of both worlds.

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proudly_X3736d ago (Edited 3736d ago )

I was a huge fan of Windows 8, but I later found out the Metro suddenly become obsolete.

I think I have to agree with Tim Cook " Our competition is different. They’re confused. They chased after netbooks, now they’re trying to make PCs into tablets and tablets into PCs. Who knows that they’ll do next? I can’t answer that question, but I can tell you that we’re focused."

I do hope Microsoft get their act together with Win 9

iamnsuperman3736d ago

I think Microsoft's biggest problem is the Metro design. Few love it but I think it puts people off. It is too cluttered (especially on mobile devices). I think Microsoft needs to go back to the drawing board and stop trying to make tablets laptops.

Also I find it funny Apple making pot shots at Microsoft when they themselves need to sort themselves out.

dcbronco3736d ago

Too cluttered? You can remove tiles you don't want. Unclutter it. I think a vocal few went off on Metro and the wagon got crowded. I do understand that it was not for the majority of PCs and Microsoft tried to force peoples hands.

Soldierone3736d ago

@above. A few people did not go off, a LOT of people did.

It's a sign of MS not listening to their customers at all. During the entire battle between Apple and MS, what were PC fans proud of? Being a more "complicated" OS if they wanted it to be. It wasn't "stupid friendly," yet still easy to use. It was great for business purposes and schools.

So what does MS decide to do? Go the complete opposite direction...

Shoving a tablet interface down PC fans throats is not a great idea. There is a reason these people are using PC's and not tablets, so why push them into it?

DragoonsScaleLegends3736d ago

Windows 9 better be a free update for windows 8 users or I'm through with windows,

Zichu3736d ago

I never "upgraded" to Windows 8, I've had Windows 7 since the beginning and it's great. I didn't like the Metro style for Windows.

W9 does look like an improvement and I would consider upgrading to it if they stick to this design.

Jrmy843736d ago

I'm with you on that, still running windows 7 ultimate.

Cueil3736d ago

you're running an inferior OS... Win8.x is better in all the important aspects

Adexus3736d ago

I'm sure MS announced this start menu will be in Windows 8 in an update in August, think it's too early for Windows 9.

Speed-Racer3736d ago

It was delayed a number of times, but yea it was announced.

Soupaman663736d ago

God, everybody is so slow.
They already announced this as a windows 8.1 update months ago

Honestly, I dont like this design. The right side should have been the left because the left has a huge recents list that most of the time doesnt have the apps I use fequently and pinned apps above it which is supposed to be the right side. I need the windows 7 start right side for the folders(user,music,video,pictu res,download, control panel).

I posted a better design here

DragoonsScaleLegends3736d ago

Your design makes the apps look out of place. Windows 7 is uglier than windows 8 and it doesn't look that good. All the articles coming out lately have said that the start menu has been pushed back to windows 9.

Soupaman663736d ago

Can you explain the out of place? Even if people are saying its being pushed back, we already have a video of it. Why is a picture months after some big news?

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Leaked Windows 9 screenshot confirms Cortana for PC

"The Halo inspired personal assistant is already available to Windows Phone so I guess Microsoft decided that a desktop version will also be pretty neat. Can’t really argue with that."

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emilysmithltg3673d ago

Cortana on destop sounds awesome!Can't wait to get my claws on Windows 9.

Minimoth3673d ago

This is going to be so badass. Finally Microsoft is making another good version of Windows.

JamshiJack3672d ago

Seems Windows is getting back to the stage with priority to better user experience, whole bunch of changes are coming, so Window 8 is the new Vista, it was not a complete flop though!

Lionsguard3672d ago

I hope there's a Jarvis or Edi mod.


Windows 9 will have the Storage Sense feature, just like Windows Phone

Windows 9 is expected to come equipped with Storage Sense, a feature that allows users to better managed their storage.

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FRAKISTAN3673d ago

Windows 9 can't come soon enough

ChrisW3672d ago

SNERK!!! Those disagrees must be the Win8 fanboys!!!

3672d ago
Agent_hitman3672d ago

I just hope that MS would allow the Windows 9 users to choose between the Tile Metro and the familiar desktop UI so that the PC gamers that don't wanna use the animated Tile will still able to enjoy this OS.

As we all know MS has been slammed numerous times due to their decision in making Win8 as a touch panel friendly Os, rather than keeping the traditional UI.. I hope that they've learned their lesson now, so that majority of Windows 7 users will jump ship to 9.


Video of an early build of Windows 9 in action!

Just earlier today, Winfuture.de posted screenshots of Windows 9, revealing many photos of Microsoft’s new flagship operating system. They have just added a video which shows the start menu and start screen in action.

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