The-gadgeteer: A long time Gadgeteer reader contacted me today through Google Hangouts to tell me that he had a story that he thought I’d be interested in reading. He then forwarded me a long email with a story from a very good friend of his. It was such a surprising story that I asked if I could have permission to post it here on The Gadgeteer. I ended up communicating with the author of the story and have posted it here for everyone to read.
Is this the next iteration of Google Glass?
Modern technology is built into new smart glasses now being offered by Waterloo, Canada-based North, formerly Thalmic Labs. Focals feature a transparent holographic display built into its lenses that only the wearer can see.
Google partner Streye is selling Google Glass Enterprise Edition for $1,800.
"780mAh battery" yeah, no thanks. I've seen what batteries do when they overheat; but hopefully they won't have a Samsung situation.
Lol you cant bring that thing anywhere, seems like everyone hates it. Businesses say GTFO, people on the street say dont look at me and it cost a shit load and still needs some aesthetic upgrades. They probably will shut down the project soon.
it wont get shut down gglass is actually a step in the right direction but google needs to take a sample to fbi/nsa and force them to look at it what it does and that its not a threat, what that guy went though is ridiculous