
Google Glass Explorers receiving invitations to swap for updated version

SlashGear: "Following invitations heading out to developers, Google has now been sending invitations to existing Glass Explorers, offering them an updated unit in exchange for their current product. Owners aren’t required to make the swap, of course, but doing so will bring about some welcomed changes, not the least of which is the ability to use Glass with prescriptions glasses."

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Google's AR project shows what real-world subtitles could look like

Is this the next iteration of Google Glass?

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This Amazon-backed startup is working on smart glasses that don't suck

Modern technology is built into new smart glasses now being offered by Waterloo, Canada-based North, formerly Thalmic Labs. Focals feature a transparent holographic display built into its lenses that only the wearer can see.

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Google Glass Enterprise Edition Now Available

Google partner Streye is selling Google Glass Enterprise Edition for $1,800.

ajax172499d ago

"780mAh battery" yeah, no thanks. I've seen what batteries do when they overheat; but hopefully they won't have a Samsung situation.