PC World - The U.S. National Security Agency has been allowed by a court order to collect phone records of a large number of customers of Verizon, according to a report in the Guardian on Thursday.
The CAT S48c is another tough, waterproof, military-spec entry in the CAT Phone line and now it's available to you, in the U.S., on Sprint and Verizon
Verizon Wireless announced yesterday that it will be rolling out free spam and robocall protection to its subscribers, starting in March.
Never content to let Verizon flip the script, T-Mobile today announced that for a limited time its Unlimited prepaid plan will be discounted to $50 per month.
It's not a secret. It's called the f'n Patriot Act. I can't believe people actually praised this thing.
Here comes the new world order...what a crock of $hit.
And.... our rights no longer exist. Why live here if we dont even have the sole purpose of this country? FREEDOM? The government is supposed to work for us, not keep us in a prison cell.....
Wait people still use, Verizon? Eww.
just imagine xboxone kinnect cam always on or needing to be plugged in at all times