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Samsung confirms Ativ S will arrive before the end of the year

TechRadar-"The heavily delayed Samsung Ativ S will indeed land in stores before the year is out, the Korean manufacturer has confirmed."

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Can Windows Phone 8 Succeed This Time? | Total Revue

Total Revue: The choice of smartphones are ever-growing, fighting for the most advanced smartphone crown. With many devices to choose from, the breadth suddenly gets smaller when the operating system of most phones consist of just 2 – Android and iOS. But there's another in the form of a revitalised Windows Phone 8 OS from Microsoft and it's back to try and get things right.

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PocketNow - Samsung ATIV S Review

PocketNow - “The next big thing is already here.”

The slogan, emblazoned on billboards and tee-shirts across the globe, was Samsung’s go-to-market buzzphrase for the launch of its 2012 superphone, the Galaxy S III. It reflects the scope of that massive rollout, perhaps the largest in Android history, and the ambitious aspirations of the company behind it. The buzz and bombast of that device’s unveiling -and, more recently, that of the Galaxy Note II- underscored the cocksure attitude of a company that knew it had a hit on its hands. Samsung, the globe’s leading handset vendor, was on top of the world, and it wanted everyone to know it.

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MobileSyrup - Samsung ATIV S Review

MobileSyrup - Samsung’s ATIV S was the first Windows Phone 8 device to be announced. Since then the hype for Microsoft’s overhauled mobile OS has subsided, but the battle rages on. Apps are beginning to be updated; users are starting to take notice. Despite impressive showings from Nokia and HTC, Samsung is a trusted name in smartphones today, and could be the very thing the ecosystem needs to thrive.

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