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The Verge - Samsung Ativ S review

The Verge - Samsung was the first manufacturer to officially announce a Windows Phone 8 device, but has since been suspiciously quiet about its plans. Plagued by delays and a missed launch period with HTC and Nokia, Samsung’s carrier deals, release dates, and exact pricing haven’t been forthcoming. Microsoft rarely mentions the company's devices in marketing materials, and it feels like Samsung's Windows Phone 8 efforts have been all but forgotten.

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Can Windows Phone 8 Succeed This Time? | Total Revue

Total Revue: The choice of smartphones are ever-growing, fighting for the most advanced smartphone crown. With many devices to choose from, the breadth suddenly gets smaller when the operating system of most phones consist of just 2 – Android and iOS. But there's another in the form of a revitalised Windows Phone 8 OS from Microsoft and it's back to try and get things right.

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PocketNow - Samsung ATIV S Review

PocketNow - “The next big thing is already here.”

The slogan, emblazoned on billboards and tee-shirts across the globe, was Samsung’s go-to-market buzzphrase for the launch of its 2012 superphone, the Galaxy S III. It reflects the scope of that massive rollout, perhaps the largest in Android history, and the ambitious aspirations of the company behind it. The buzz and bombast of that device’s unveiling -and, more recently, that of the Galaxy Note II- underscored the cocksure attitude of a company that knew it had a hit on its hands. Samsung, the globe’s leading handset vendor, was on top of the world, and it wanted everyone to know it.

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MobileSyrup - Samsung ATIV S Review

MobileSyrup - Samsung’s ATIV S was the first Windows Phone 8 device to be announced. Since then the hype for Microsoft’s overhauled mobile OS has subsided, but the battle rages on. Apps are beginning to be updated; users are starting to take notice. Despite impressive showings from Nokia and HTC, Samsung is a trusted name in smartphones today, and could be the very thing the ecosystem needs to thrive.

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