
Woman’s Husband Apparently Won’t Buy Her an iPhone 5, So She Protests

Kotaku - This Saturday, Apple opened its newest store in Beijing. The Apple Wangfujing store is Asia's largest, and there were around one thousand people lined up at the opening. There was also this woman.

-Mezzo-4443d ago

Screw Child labor & Innocent Killings.

This is what warrants a Protest.

Speed-Racer4443d ago

Hope she had fun by herself in the sun.

Jaces4442d ago

Get a GS3, Samsung treats their kids with Oreo's and milk on breaks. ;D

For real though, Child labor is a fuc*ing disgrace to the human race and the GS3 is leagues better than the iphone 5.

Settler4443d ago

JC, I don't even know that one day this become reason of national security and women will come on road to protest

KingPin4443d ago

lol why doesn't she just sell her ass and get her own iphone 5. really, we don't give a shit about her or her husband who cant get her one.

Sarcasm4442d ago

It's probably fake that's why

Software_Lover4443d ago

I wouldnt buy her one either.

I bought my wife a gs3 about a month ago. Where is it? F'n destroyed because she was trying to call someone, AS SHE GOT OUT OF THE CAR. She slipped and dropped everything in her hand, including the phone. I told her she will have to fend for herself.

My republic wireless Beta wave is started last week. I might give her that phone just to show her how good she had/has it.

pompombrum4442d ago

Better than dropping your phone down the toilet like my other half managed to do.

gadgeek4443d ago

Lol Communism was never about "husbands" buying "you" stuff.

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franwex2809d ago

I still use my iPhone 4. It's my alarm clock and sometimes I watch youtube on the mobile browser late at night.