
PlayStation 3 Tips You Didn't Know

Yahoo - You've heard that old story that we only use about 10 percent of our brains? Well, turns out that's a myth. But it is probably true that, for most of us, we only use about 10 percent of our gaming console system.

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-Mezzo-4505d ago

I know all of them, Yahoo needs to not take their Readers as retarded.

SnakeCQC4505d ago

all these dumb articles piss me off

Brawler4504d ago

im trying to figure out how wiping your cache speeds up the internet browser since that deletes all the saved stuff and makes you redownload everything

Speed-Racer4504d ago

Mezzo, if it was so dumb, why did you submit it?

YoungKingDoran4504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

gotta stay #1 somehow dude

edit: well on n4g. just noticed Mezzo is #3 on techspy

Speed-Racer4504d ago

@ YoungKingDoran - Lmao .... we don't have a top number of submissions contest anymore. Winners are rated on the quality of their content, not the quantity.

-Mezzo-4504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

@Racer - Didn't expected that from a Mod, but it seems that you forgot about the 'Hottest Story' contest.

Plus i don't only submit stories that i agree with.

@YoungKingDoran -- Don't worry bro, i'll be #1 (TechSpy)again once the 'News Submission' Contest returns (If It Ever Does).

Speed-Racer4504d ago

@ mezzo - I thought you loved us man *tears* ...

-Mezzo-4504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

I do & always will.

We're talking about Brotherly Love right? o_0 ... lol

I know it's hard to believe that i genuinely love this place since i'm only visible on TechSpy when there's a Contributor's contest.

But even when there's no contest, i visit the site at leaset 5 times a day, it's just that i don't Sign-In as much. =]

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4504d ago
lilbrat234504d ago

Ps3 has a blu-ray? Hot diggidy dog I did not know that. OMG you can download music and images? WHAT! Here I thought I just had a gaming system, silly me. LOL really yahoo?

iWishTifaWasReal4504d ago

u should check out their recent article.

"What 20 Top Companies' Logos Looked Like Before They Were Famous"

its 20 F*cking Pages.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4504d ago
kingPoS4504d ago

I don't know about everyone else but I abuse the ever loving s**t out of the scene search feature. It works in-XMB on videos.
Just play a video, press square & select between 5min, 2min, 1min, 30sec and 15sec intervals with a 10sec clip. There's also a bit-rate display when you press select. I find it incredibly useful for identifying various audio & video codecs, as well as the rates they run at.

Those two feature's seem to be really understated for some reason?

Euthanasia784504d ago

My favorite tip is using the ps3 web browser for www.ps3-themes.com. I literally have about 300 dynamic themes for free from this site. It works. Just download the theme directly from the site, and bam. Its listed under themes. I've used it for years and have told many ppl. It's legit.


A Japanese Man Arrested For ReSelling Modding Playstation 3

In Japan reselling of modded game systems is illegal, a man has been arrested for reselling modding PlayStation 3 to a person in Tokyo.

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New Sony Patent Could Bring Backwards Compatibility On PlayStation 5

Sony has filed a patent which could bring backwards compatibility on playstation 5. legacy devices playstation 4, playstation 3, playstation 4 woud work

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mcstorm2147d ago

For me this is one thing Sony need to do with the ps5 just because Microsoft have. I do wonder if ps5 games will work on the ps4 and the other way round to as this is the road microsoft have said they are going so I see Sony matching this. Intresting times for the console market.

MoonConquistador2147d ago

You're referring to forwards compatibility rather than backwards. No PS5 games won't work on PS4 just like PS4 games won't run on a PS3, PS 3 games won't run on a PS 2 and so forth.

2pacalypsenow2147d ago

No, we dont need the Xbox 1 and PS4 holding back the PS5 and Next Xbox.

S2Killinit2146d ago

There wont be forward compatability. That wouldnt even work. Backward compatibility is a different question.

KwietStorm_BLM2146d ago

How exactly would PS5 games work on PS4?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2146d ago
DillyDilly2147d ago

& re release games Digitally as thats also a big plus from Microsoft

annoyedgamer2147d ago

Backwards Comparability is a big feature when you don't have any games to offer on the Xbox On..Oh wait, Sony is doing it now?

XentaJones2147d ago

Backwards Compatibility - yeah via psnow or something...


Sony PlayStation 3 owners eligible for $65 settlement

Do you remember like a decade ago, Sony promised that you'd be able to run Linux on the PS3? Me neither. However, apparently they did make that promise. In the end, they didn't go through with it due one matter or another.

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KingPin2469d ago

just reading the preview of this article makes me not even want to click the link.
first off, it was advertised on all launch consoles as a feature over the 360. as a matter of fact there was an option to install other OS on all firmwares before 3.55. they only removed it after geohot used linux to hack the console.....so how this guy claims not to know any of that shows ignorance and isnt worth my time reading anything else he has to say.

kevnb2469d ago (Edited 2469d ago )

it was removed on firmware 3.21, not sure if geohot even used other os to hack/get the keys for the ps3, im guessing he probably didnt. Im guessing they removed it because people were buying ps3s to build clusters, they werent really making money on the ps3 unless people bought games/services to go with it.

2pacalypsenow2469d ago (Edited 2469d ago )

"Im guessing they removed it because people were buying ps3s to build clusters, they weren't really making money on the ps3 unless people bought games/services to go with it."

So you think Sony would remove a feature to lower sales of the PS3? They removed the feature around the same time the Slim came out, don't you think they would just remove the feature on the slim as opposed to removing it for consoles that have already been purchased, wouldn't that make more sense to stop people from buying new PS3's just to stack them together?

Geohot used the Other OS feature to hack the hypervisor feature on the PS3, which was the security used to prevent exploiting the Ps3.

2469d ago
2pacalypsenow2469d ago


But what would have Sony gained by removing the feature from Ps3's already purchased? Removing the feature wouldn't have cause the universities to use them for gaming.

And by 2010 I believe they were already making a profit on every PS3 sold.

2pacalypsenow2469d ago

The PS3 shipped with the Other OS feature, this guy has no idea what he's talking about.

yomfweeee2468d ago

I'm not sure why this is in the news again? We've already known this. Their original settlement was rejected several months ago by the courts or whatever because it was too difficult to prove. So they had a new one that was much easier to prove. Been available since December.