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Apple fans referenced as 'Sheeple' in Merriam-Webster dictionary example

Sheeple is now an official word in the Merriam-Webster dictionary. However some Apple loyalists aren't too pleased with the example referenced used.

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Zerg2702d ago

I'm sorry but I'm still taking offense to this!!!

Speed-Racer2702d ago

Lol why? It's not even them saying it.

Zerg2702d ago

Android fans are just missing out. That's why they so mad

sonicwrecks2702d ago

How did I guess we'd get a Zerg comment? lol

KingPin2701d ago

in other news: sheeple get offended easily.

annoyedgamer2701d ago

Apple execs have strange names on N4G sister sites.

masterfox2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

lol , kinda accurate.


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194d ago
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