
CRank: 26Score: 1002970

December Contest Winners

As I was out of the country for some time, I didn't get around to doing this earlier, but here are the winners of last month's contest! http://techspy.com/user/blo...

Top Contributors

1) micx
2) Stringerbell
3) sonicwrecks

Top Managers

1) ZoyosJD
2) sonicwrecks
3) Stringerbell

All winners will be messaged via PM for further details regarding the collection of winnings. Please note that if you do not respond within 7 days of receiving your PM, the contest prize goes down the ladder to the next person in line.

Stringerbell3173d ago

Speedracer, I beat Micx in the contributor contest:

My news score: 63540 / News Bonus 9100 = 54400

Micx News score: 67140 / News Bonus 14350= 52790

Speed-Racer3173d ago

This isn't correct. That's your actual news score. The bonus is then added to get what you see on the news score page.


Stringerbell3173d ago

Ahh I see, my mistake thanks for clearing that up.

RetrospectRealm3173d ago

Filmwatch usually does it with strictly News score without News bonus. I find that more fair. Whoever puts in more work gets the bigger prize.

RetrospectRealm3173d ago (Edited 3173d ago )

Congratulations to everyone who won! Hopefully we'll all see our names up there someday. :)

Speed-Racer3173d ago

@ 1.1.2 - Well that's really the argument here. I used the regular news score without the bonus (which we usually do here as well), but Stringerbell accidentally subtracted the bonus from the basic score rather than from the total score which I linked above.

RetrospectRealm3173d ago

Oh. My mistake. I didn't check out numbers, I just assumed you guys did it differently. Thanks.

ZoyosJD3173d ago

Congrads to the other winners.


Congrats to all winners specially to stringerbell and sonic for qualifying in both.

sonicwrecks3172d ago

Thanks! Was nice to get back to a 'traditional' month, everyone did great.


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