
Spending $60 on a video game doesn’t make sense anymore

The Netflix model is here.

Jin_Sakai1693d ago

Not this sh*t again. And no the Netflix gaming model isn’t here.

I like subscription services such as Apple Arcade and Gamepass but there’s a long ways to go before we see if that model proves efficient. There’s also a matter of quality games and not just fillers.

DaDrunkenJester1693d ago

DMCV, Metro Exodus, Bloodstained, Tomb Raider, Forza Horizon 4, Gears 5, Dead Cells, Hellblade, Master Chief Collection, Sunset OD, Ori... are these not quality games? (I could list more, but I suspect you aren't up for an actual discussion on this).

crazyCoconuts1693d ago

Lots of games that I want to play that don't happen to be on XBGP.

Jin_Sakai1693d ago

“I could list more, but I suspect you aren't up for an actual discussion on this”

There’s plenty of games that aren’t on the service I might want to play thus making the “Spending $60 on a video game doesn’t make sense anymore” irrelevant.

phoenixwing1693d ago (Edited 1693d ago )

jester, right now you're in a market which hasn't fully shifted to subscription model yet. basically meaning when the shift does come that's when you can decide if games made for subscription models are quality. the games you mentioned are centered around them first being sold for 60 dollars. of course when the sales dry up they go on game pass. but don't kid yourself thinking they represent what a future of gamepass subscription only would be. you can claim it's not going to change the quality but i suspect that position is out of willful ignorance instead of an actual thoughtful discussion.

sampsonon1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

old games and gear, forza, and halo. yay!

and please, list more.

Brazz1692d ago

We talking about day 1 games, only gears 5 and FH4 are day 1 on your list.

1692d ago
arkard1692d ago

Jester those games are also available for full price. Do you think budgets will be as high when they are getting a fraction of those payments? When all they have to rely on is whatever they are getting paid monthly a long with every other developer. Artists have already spoken out about spotify/apple and how it pays next to nothing. You don't think the same thing will happen to developers?

mkis0071692d ago

What if i want to own them? Meaning no internet needed?

Obscure_Observer1692d ago


Well said! Jin_Sakai knows exactly what kind quality games we're getting from Gamepass.

The momment Sony step up their game with PlayStation Streaming, i doubt people like him will continue to pay full $60 for everything single game.

JonTheGod1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

All of those games were made BEFORE Game Pass and not with that in mind. Come back after 5 years of XGP with the MS exclusives going straight onto it day 1 and show me that the quality of those titles hasn't diminished because of it being targeted in development as an XGP game.

343_Guilty_Spark1692d ago


Can you share how much each developer gets on GamePass since you're an expert. If the model wasn't enticing or profitable for Developers why do so many keep adding games to it?

arkard1692d ago

Guilty, I don't know how much money and neither do you. But I do have proof of other services. Artists on spotify complain there is no money. Netflix has shovel ware after shovel ware in between 1 or 2 good shows (which they cancel after 2 or 3 seasons because money) why do you think gaming wouldn't suffer the same fate?

rainslacker1692d ago

They're quality games, but a drop in the bucket compared to the number of quality games out there. Plus, most of them arent coming day one. Unless the sub service is from the publisher of a game, it's unlikely to be economically feasible to offer all these games day one, and I for one do not want a plethora of services when I can just buy the game for $60, and keep it indefinitely without being at the mercy of the publishers on how long I might be able to play whatever they have to offer. I also dont want to have to feel rushed to play a game before its dropped from a service.

I can see how these services may be good, and I won't discount the potential or actual value of one, but it's just not for me

timotim1692d ago


But Netflix doesn't get all new releases either. It's library is also a drop in the bucket compare to the total amount of TV and movies that come out...the "Netflix model" doesn't imply that it gets all new releases day one...it implies that it gets a steady stream of quality TV shows and movies for its subscribers.

The fact that Netflix exist doesn't mean that people stop buying movies in favor of Netflix at every turn...people still buy DVDs and Blu-Rays and boxsets. Same thing here...gamers will mix in full detail price games in with their Netflix-like gaming services.

1692d ago
agnosticgamer1692d ago

Xbox GamePass is the Netflix model for games. Yes. there is a ton of games not on the service... There are a ton of movies/TV shows not on Netflix... But there are both a lot of quality games on GamePass and Movies/TV shows on Netflix. TV shows/movies rotate out of Netflix and Games (except 1p games) rotate out of GamePass.

The model IS HERE. How much of a success it will be is the question. But, for the next 3 years, I will not purchase a 1p Xbox title or a top-quality game that is on GamePass.

rainslacker1692d ago


I understand that. But at the same time, articles like this are positing that games aren't worth spending $60 on anymore. It's devaluing games as a whole, just to promote a different kind of service where the person is content with whatever content these services offer, so why spend even more money just to have more games?

It's akin to saying that a 4K UHD isn't worth $25-30 because of Netflix. While I don't really find movies worth that much, I do buy them because the quality is there, and it's a movie I'd like to own. Not as much as days gone by, and I don't watch movies much anymore, but the value is still there if you do want it.

Rachel_Alucard1691d ago

The problem with Netflix and rental services is that it has reduced the number of places that sell movies drastically. If games are being sold on gamepass then the only places that could sell games are the big ones like Wal-mart and Blockbuster, removing competition altogether. Gamestop going away just powers up the others

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 1691d ago
ilikestuff1692d ago ShowReplies(6)
RpgSama1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )


"the games you mentioned are centered around them first being sold for 60 dollars. of course when the sales dry up they go on game pass. but don't kid yourself thinking they represent what a future of gamepass subscription only would be. you can claim it's not going to change the quality but i suspect that position is out of willful ignorance instead of an actual thoughtful discussion"

1000000000000% This!!!!!

Once every game by every developer is being built for a common subscription service and that's the only way for you to get to gaming in general, quality will decrease, that's a fact, look at Netflix and the amount of "shovelware" content they release every month, 1 or 2 "high" quality games a year for a yearly subscription of over 100$ it's not worth the sacrifice

TK-661692d ago

"Once every game by every developer is being built for a common subscription service and that's the only way for you to get to gaming in general"

Okay but no one is promoting this as a realistic future in gaming. At this point you're comparable to a person a decade ago throwing a fit about digital purchases destroying physical games and saying that an all digital future is going to to destroy gaming as we know it.

Your scenario hasn't happened, and isn't happening. At best you're just fear-mongering about a fantasy scenario.

RpgSama1692d ago


"Your scenario hasn't happened, and isn't happening. At best you're just fear-mongering about a fantasy scenario"

This Opinion piece where we're both commenting it's literally called "Spending $60 on a video game doesn’t make sense anymore", I'm just responding to that.

TK-661692d ago


And I'm responding to what you said where you said "Once every game by every developer is being built for a common subscription service and that's the only way for you to get to gaming in general, quality will decrease", I'm just responding to that.

TK-661692d ago

Honestly, most games that release these days are not worth the full price at launch. So in a way I agree with the sentiment of the article. Time for a more varied price range with AA/AAA games at launch.

AngelicIceDiamond1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

I think spending 60 depends on the publisher and the devs. Like you know EA's games are never worth 60 because of heavy gambling mechanics and they butcher their own games in favor of gambling. Sony's games are worth every penny because of compelling gameplay and stories. Ubisoft games are worth it for the most part while Activision and Take 2, not so much at all. MS, well if once MS releases quality like Gears across all of their AAA development then most definitely yes. The 60$ isn't created equal in gaming anymore.

HannibalLecter1692d ago

Nice comment!
You are definitely spot on with this reasoning. I even gave you an upvote. Well said.

notachance1692d ago

lol I just know this is an article from polygon
gotta get them M$ checks

SyntheticForm1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

I'd say it depends on the game and its quality and I invite anyone to argue against this. I'm not talking about preference, I'm talking about the content and quality of the shipped build.

Flewid6381692d ago

Playing Gears for 3 to 5 bucks and finishing it instead of dropping 60 dollars sounds pretty efficient.

frostypants1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

This. I'd rather pay $60 for AAA titles with the sort of output Sony has had (or for AAA PC titles), than pay for a monthly pass that encourages the platform owner to release just barely enough first party AAA titles to keep people hooked, and a ton of filler garbage thrown in between. Gamepass has offered Forza Horizon 4 and Gears 5 as top tier titles in the last two years. That is all. The rest has been filler and mediocrity. Maybe some solid third party games in there...that I could buy at a steep discount anyway (Tomb Raider for example...I can buy it for $15). People are delusional if they think MS is going to improve much upon that. They have no reason to if people keep paying for it.

People will point to MS studio acquisitions as a sign of future improvement, but there will be a gotcha. They'll either cancel projects as they always have, or they'll jack up the Gamepass rates. Or they'll just hold games off of Gamepass. It'll be something. Watch. Save this post.

I pray we DON'T all end up in this model, because as we've seen, it hurts first party AAA output. I don't want to take part in that race to the bottom.

Kribwalker1692d ago

Sea of Thieves was the first xbox first party game to launch day and date on gamepass, 18 months ago, and so far we have 5 first party games that have launched on gamepass, 3 in the low to high 60s, and 2 in the mid 80 to mid 90s and with Outerworlds, and Ori and the will of the whips launching in the next few months, those numbers are about to skew upwards.

Then we have Halo Infinite, the next gen forza, whatever ninja theory’s working on (2 projects) Wasteland 3, Flight Simulator, Age of Empire, The initiatives project, Psychonaughts 2, Rares next project, and more. Seems to me like it’s helping first party output

timotim1692d ago

While I somewhat agree with you, i feel like Gamepass has proven itself in the quality games department. Many gamers on this site didn't think XGP would have any AAA games on the service at all outside of first party...Microsoft has proven that wrong and then some.

rainslacker1692d ago

Netflix model is some good content with a lot of crap for filler you watch just to pass some time and couldn't find anything better to watch. If that's what people want from gaming, then enjoy. I still find spending $60 for a quality game when I want to play it worthwhile. The day the masses stop being into that model, is the day that nickel and diming becomes the norm, because without a typical channel where people have that option, the publishers have a model where they have complete control, and can achieve what they've been trying to do for about 15 years now.

First the life of me, I cant see how anyone on here would ever be into these models being the way forward, because in any given comment on another thread, theyll be complaining about how these publishers are always trying to screw them over

timotim1692d ago

This one has me scratching my head. So let's look at gaming purely from a retail perspective to counter what you just said. If we look at retail gaming as a whole...it has even more filler games than services like Gamepass...does that mean retail isn't worth our time? I think a logical person would say buying games at retail is like anything else...you skip over the stuff you feel isn't up to par and instead focus on the stuff that is. How is services like Gamepass any different? Sure, theirs some filler stuff in their...but theirs also a ton of good to great quality games. Everything from indies to AAA. No one can afford to buy every game they might like at retail...but more people can spend $10 a month to have unlimited access to hundreds of games. That will be appealing to consumers. It already is. If you look at every industry out there from music to books to movies and TV...people are going with subscriptions.

In terms of devs screwing them over...I look at games like Gears 5. It has more content than damn near any game released this year. Not only that but ALL players will get FREE DLC every 3 months. If that is the standard they are trying to set with these things, then I see no screwing over at all.

rainslacker1692d ago

The difference is, is that with the $60 retail pricing, we control what we choose to spend our money on. With a sub service, we're at the mercy of whatever the service provider decides to spend money on to provide for us.

While it's nice to believe that publishers will somehow go the route of maintaining high quality to keep subscribers interested, the netflix model shows that when they get enough subscribers, the content itself isn't as important...so long as they have enough to keep people subscribed.

But, with the sub models, when it comes to Netflix or Amazon for me, I find myself just watching stuff because it's there. Not really because I want to watch it. There is the occasional thing on there which may get me excited, but it's not anywhere near what I feel with things I may want to purchase.

The arguments I'm making in this thread are based on the premise of the article...which stipulates that games aren't worth $60 anymore because the netflix of gaming is now here.

When it comes to games like Gears 5, it's using it as an example of great things to come. The problem I take with that is that using that as an example assumes that this is what we can always expect. That big AAA games will routinely show up on the service within months of their release, or big AAA games with high production qauality and budgets will show up on day one. While there may be some games from time to time, it's unreasonable to believe that it'll be routine. As things are now, most months have 1-2 AAA games a month to choose from. Can we really expect that many games for the long term on services like these for $10-15 a month without other stipulations attached, and those stipulations are going to end up being the things that we dislike now...namely MT, and content restricted releases.

timotim1691d ago

I will say that imo, most games these day aren't worth $60. Sure games, like Gears 5, God of War, Red Dead 2 etc are...but the majority of them simply aren't.

"The problem I take with that is that using that as an example assumes that this is what we can always expect."

I think it certainly is the level of what you can expect from Microsoft on their service. I cant speak for anyone else's as I dont have enough experience with those. Despite Gears 5 having MTs in it...its merely a footnote when we talk overall content, and all players can still acquire the same content found in MTs through grinding as usual. The MTs that are there, gives the gamer no leg up in any of its modes. This is the standard Microsoft is going for in terms of first party because its in their best interest to use first party games as an incentive to keep gamers subscribed.

Npugz71692d ago

I think your wrong bud! Hence the google stadia already being sold out! And Microsoft game pass doing so well!

Muzikguy1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

This article is stupid. They even say at the end how they don't like Netflix anymore because quality has suffered. What else do.you.think would happen when you spend less than $5 on a game as opposed to $60? The Netflix model will NOT end well

I'm glad to see all the comments from those actually thinking about the future instead of."how much can I get for cheap"

badz1491692d ago

Subscriptions are ok....until there are too many of them

fr0sty1692d ago

I spent $90 for virtua racing on Genesis. $50-60 games were commonplace even back then, nearly 30 years back.

SoonDeadByOldAge1692d ago

I am more than happy with gamepass ultimate as my only subscription as it really very good value for money and get the exclusives I’m interested in for my PS4.

It really is kind of ironic considering the hazing that xbox has gotten with the wait and wait for what will be good in the future and how the playstations fans tackle the awesomeness that is GPU - “You just wait, it will get really bad”
I think we will have to wait a pretty long time for GPU to not be considered very good value for money.

Sorry for my english, second language...

FanboysKiller1692d ago

If you are a picker then gp isn't for you, end of discussion.

gravedigger1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

Why not support the devs work and buy a game for 60$/50 GBP ( or later during some price-drop )? I've bought a Control, payed a 42 GBP and supported a devs work gladly. Of course, there are some gamers with attitude "why i should bought Control at launch when it will come to Gamepass in near future. Better to play it for 2$/2GPB"

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 1691d ago
StormLegend1693d ago

You're wrong! Spending $60 guarantees that the developer is supported and I appreciate a good high quality game when doing so. I also like to have a physical case too. Developers will get lazy when they know the games they make goes to a subscription and can be accessed for cheap. They have nothing to worry about because a big company like MS, Sony, or Nintendo is supporting them from behind.

1692d ago
Atom6661693d ago

We see plenty of garbage being sold for $60. Saw plenty of it last gen, too.

xX-oldboy-Xx1692d ago

Don't buy it - use a little critical thought. Would you play that garbage on gamepass just because it was there?

I wouldn't.

Atom6661692d ago

Yeah, no shit. It's almost like you can expect to see bad games equally on store shelves, digital storefronts, and subscription services.

LordJamar1692d ago

You clearly don’t understand how these models work

gangsta_red1692d ago

That's not how it works.

I guess we're all forgetting the many games this gen that were unfinished, filled with bugs, content removed, little gameplay and flawed design that were also sold for $60 at retail.

But for some reason spending this $60 "guarantees" support and a high quality game and developers won't get lazy?

"They have nothing to worry about because a big company like MS, Sony, or Nintendo is supporting them from behind."

If the game is as bad as you claim then no one will download it, then MS, Sony or Nintendo will remove that game from their service, then that developer who you claim is depending on their support and putting in a lazy effort is screwed.

But again, this is all hypothetical and so far there has been a lot of quality games on both PSNow and Game Pass.

rainslacker1692d ago

Is it better that people start taking the mentality that all those broken games, or games that are not that good so not worth $60, now start being accepting of those games because they aren't directly paying for those games?

Kind of the idea of, "I wouldn't pay $60 for that game, but if its 'free' on this service, then why not play it?"

We see some of that with things like ps+ or gag once in a while, but I feel that subscription models would normalize complacency and acceptance of things we generally complain about.

To me, if a game isn't worth playing at regular price, or some price within a acceptable range when discounted, I dont see why it's worth paying a sub just to have access to those games on the cheap.

I understand that there is probably other content there which may drive someone's incentive to subscribe, but I also know that publishers will take data from whatever place they can to release lackluster products. So, in this debate, I feel some people are putting too much faith in the publishers doing what we hope or expect theyll do, despite the fact they historically do the opposite and just make things worse.

Brave_Losers_Unite1692d ago

There is a reason why big movies release in theaters first before releasing on Netflix way later

gangsta_red1692d ago

There's also a reason why big movies are taking less chances and Hollywood is relying on known properties, remakes and dumb summer blockbuster sequels.

xX-oldboy-Xx1692d ago

gangsta - Like G5, Halo and Forza?

Ratchet751692d ago

That's my concern to. What is the incentive for a developer tm make a great game, if it end up making the same money than any other games on the service.
How many triple AAA games could be made a year on a service like this?🤔🤔㊂ 0;

NeoGamer2321692d ago

So, you know all about the incentive, payment, and cost model in these subscription services?

Please enlighten us, as all we have heard from devts is singing praises about their profits from this. Please cite one article where a devt is saying that they are getting ripped off by going into subscription services.

343_Guilty_Spark1692d ago

He obviously can't being in a fanboy tizzy

Welshy1692d ago

I don't think they'll get lazy, but without those big multimillion dollar opening weekends as big lump sum returns on their development costs they will shrink budgets of the games overall and spread releases even wider apart. It's not feasible to wait on the trickling monthly payments from their rental overlords when they've already spent millions on development and can't afford to wait months and years to recoup it all to put into their next game.

Youngindy211692d ago

Not necessarily. If devs get lazy and slack on quality, then Microsoft(or whoever) has the option to not pick up their game for their service much like Netflix. This would leave the dev out in the cold and potentially w/o an audience, thereby encouraging them to do better next time.

gangsta_red1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

Exactly, if you have a service that has nothing or offers nothing but crap then people will unsubscribe. I don't understand where this assumption that devs can now slack off if their games are on a service. What's stopping them from doing this anyways?

It's crazy to me that gamers wouldn't want an optional service where one could pay a yearly subscription price for the cost of less than one game and have a library to choose and play as many games as they want.

rainslacker1692d ago

While that may be true...assuming the dev doesn't get shut down, the article is more about how games arent worth $60 anymore because all this content can be had for cheap.

Under a netflix model, where games are now devalued...although if it's like movies theyll increase in price which will make digital even more attractive...a developer would make less on the physical sale if the game due to people feeling that a sub is more than enough for them.

I won't discount peoples opinions on the matter, as its subjective, but it puts a heavier burden on the physical sales to perform to keep being sold, so many that want a traditional model will be left behind. Over time, this will eventually mean that game quality, or the way they're released could change to models that publishers have been pushing for a while, or start getting like current tv/movie streaming where everyone wants their own service. We already have quite a few general services like netflix or amazon, but Disney and CBS are now content creators jumping into the field, withholding content from those that won't use their specific services.

If people thought the console war between 2-3 consoles was bad, it's just going to get worse, and instead of just a couple services, or one system which can play most of the content, we will have a diverging number of services, all fighting for your money.

Anomander1692d ago

Except there are no guarantees that games are going to be good at $60. Anthem comes to mind.

FanboysKiller1692d ago

That's just guessing, guessing isn't an efficient way to judge the whole service.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1692d ago
Samus7071692d ago

It's written by Polygon... Y'all take their bait so easily.

xX-oldboy-Xx1692d ago

Unfortunately - Like IGN, they are considered he voice of the masses. When in reality neither of them write or perpetuate what the gamer actually thinks.

Profchaos1692d ago

Polygon are a plauge on gaming news

2pacalypsenow1693d ago

I like to have a physical copy I play 10 years down the road.

annoyedgamer1693d ago

Phycisical.copies contribute to pollution and global warming. Time to retore these anteqiated ways. - Polygon probably

2pacalypsenow1693d ago


"How gaming is causing climate change"

Nyxus1693d ago

Actually, downloading and streaming cost a lot of energy, something many people don't realize.

TK-661692d ago

I mean you joke about that but it was a legitimate argument that pre-paid cards last gen had unnecessary packaging. The plastic case was a waste because it went in the bin almost immediately because there was no use for it after using the card.

Youngindy211692d ago

What's the point in owning a physical copy anymore if you have to download the game from the disc onto the hard drive anyway? And PC has done away with physical altogether. The only benefit I can see is the ability to trade in the game.

2pacalypsenow1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

You don't need internet access to use your games.

P_Bomb1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

It’s faster for me to install from disc than from my downstairs wifi, plus the disc isn’t tied to primary account drm. I can play said disc on an infinite number of accounts and systems without being locked to one primary. My digital downloads require a primary account to be activated or no one else can play it. I have two PS4’s and am already finding accounts locked out of one thing or another. Stick a disc in? No issues.

Where digital has benefited me the most has been in sales and not worrying about stock. When stores no longer carry a game I want, digital does. At least til discontinued.

CaptRonRico1692d ago

Yup. And you dont get a service with watered down games. Quality suffers.

kungfuian1693d ago

If Microsoft wants to follow a loss leader strategy and subsidize the hell out of gamepass with cheap trials and what would otherwise be $60 first party games then sure why not; it's a great deal for the time being.

In a way it's not that dissimilar from the days when new systems were sold at a loss. Same basic strategy. Shit Sony was selling PS3s several hundred bucks less than it cost to make for a long time. HARD TO ARGUE THESE TYPES OF DEALS! But THIS IS FOR THE SHORT TERM so enjoy it while it lasts. Microsoft are gonna want that $15 a month before long (or more), and that's when the deal becomes a little less sweet.

Plus saying games aren't worth paying $60 is a bit premature. Some games aren't worth $60 sure, but truly compelling software (God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, The Last of Us, etc.) is worth every penny!

LordJamar1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

Pretty sure gamepass is long term not short term also I believe it’s 10$ a month or 15 with game pass ultimate which is still a great deal I very much enjoyed playing monster hunter world and the new metro and DMC V gears at this point is just Iiceing on a great cake

Srhalo1692d ago (Edited 1692d ago )

I enjoyed paying MHW and DMC when I supported the companies by paying for the game.

LordJamar1692d ago

@Srhalo I would have never tried monster hunter without gamepass tbh and I planned to get DMC V but got it on game pass cause of the money saved I gladly bought all dlc for MHW including new iceborne. No idea why you think gamepass does not support devs you clearly don’t know how it works

343_Guilty_Spark1692d ago

Systems are still sold at loss or with very small profit margins. There is more money in games.

Fist4achin1692d ago

I dont get all the disagrees. You sell 1-2 consoles to a person and then anywhere from 3-100 games to that person with their console, so yes, the money is with the games.

343_Guilty_Spark1692d ago

In 2013 a PS4 cost $381 when it was priced at $400. A PS4 currently costs $300...assuming production costs lowering over time and history we can reasonably guess it costs around $260-$280 to make each PS4. A $20 to $40 profit margin on a $300 device is not a lot of money. That's not even enough to buy a new release. I see the downvotes....


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Unfortunately I think so. Not anytime soon. But in a few years time. They want that on everything.

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Won't happen, software is where all the money is made. These companies take losses on these consoles and then make up for it with software sales.


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