
A Tumblr Is Not A Blog

New Rising Media writes "So the general trend of Google search results projects that Tumblr is going to eclipse the general term 'Blog' before the end of 2012, cementing its meteoric rise to the most popular blogging platform.

But in the grand scheme of things, I find it difficult to classify Tumblr as a blogging platform."

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Tumblr was removed from Apple’s App Store over child pornography issues

Blames an ‘industry database’ that failed to filter prohibited content

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Tumblr founder David Karp to step down

Tumblr's founder is leaving the company just months after Verizon acquired Yahoo.

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Verizon is killing Tumblr’s fight for net neutrality

One of the open internet’s fiercest defenders has a new boss.

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KingPin2735d ago

i think all ISPs are killing net neutrality for their own gain.
until it becomes law, it will continue.

Sahil2734d ago (Edited 2734d ago )

They’re not killing the porn though, right?

KingPin2734d ago

lol that depends on where you getting your porn.
if you using regular sites, sure, they arent.
if you trying to download it via p2p, they are.