
Flashback the largest Mac malware threat yet

CNET : The Mac is now popular enough to attract major attention from the bad guys. That number, which came from Russian antivirus company Dr. Web earlier this week, was confirmed today by security firm Kaspersky. More than 98 percent of the affected computers were running Mac OS X, the firm said..

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colonel1794631d ago

I don't know if it has anything to do, but Flash needs to die! I don't understand why every site on the planet is still not using HTML 5.

Anti-Fanboyer4631d ago

Adobe announced they're declining support for Flash and are slowly moving to HTML5. It was not a coincidence that they announced it right after Steve Job's death, who had been telling them the whole time to move on. I took Flash course last semester and my instructor, who keeps tabs on the latest inside news, pretty much stated the course would be useless in the future. We will start seeing every websites using HTML5, 5 to 10 years from now, because it is "phone friendly," unlike flash.

kevnb4631d ago

it has more to do with flash being completely not needed than phones. At one point we needed it, now we dont and things run better without it.

Speed-Racer4631d ago

It will eventually transition out of use. Unfortunately people don't just from one standard to the other. Also HTML5 is still a work in progress, so some may not make the switch till it has been finalized. Just like how the web transitions from CSS 1 and 2, to CSS 3. Took some browsers a long time to interpret CSS 3 styles.


How to listen to spatial audio on a Mac

If you want to get the most out of your sound, spatial audio is for you.

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Microsoft Office product key: get lifetime Mac or Windows access for $29.99

Save big and avoid subscriptions with the lifetime version of Microsoft Office

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thegabecarey679d ago

Jeez, that's more than $400 off for the Professional version. Probably the least sketchy *legal* way to get this so cheap.


How to use AirDrop on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

Want to quickly send and receive pictures on iPhone or Mac? AirDrop is the way to go.

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