
Egypt to block all pornography

What's Hawt: The Egyptian Minister of Telecommunications and Information Technology has announced that the government will be putting a plan in action to block all porn on the Internet.

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-Mezzo-4581d ago

Since when did banning stuff solved anything.


Even though the image is censored, it's still inappropriate.

fatstarr4581d ago

they will find ways around this.

but its impossible unless they use websense in a super extreme fashion.

StraightPath4581d ago

porn is for losers and low lives. porn industry is just flith and degenerate individuals anyways.

MidnytRain4581d ago

I hate for this to sound like a YouTube comment, but...

Two people are porn addicts.

HxCGamer4581d ago (Edited 4581d ago )

I guess I am a loser and a low-life*


conswella4581d ago (Edited 4581d ago )

StraightPath, join the extremist Muslim political party in egypt and help enforce their sharia law there. you would do good there to oppress people and their freedoms.

This is a backwards path for egypt and many people are worried about many things such as this since these tyrants took power. Egypyt has fallen now, and i hope the people rise up and act on what they wish, which is to not be oppressed. hence the violent protests that occured there.

imagine someone saying to you that you cannot look at porn. Baseball bat to the skull for them. i can only imagine how this adds to their frustration. who gives a damn what the political party wants there. god i wish citizens had guns over there.

AMZSS4581d ago (Edited 4581d ago )

This shows how ignorant you are..it doesn't matter if he is an extremist or not , pornography is forbidden on all Muslims no matter which type of Muslim he is ( sunna or shia or wahabi ).

_Q_4581d ago

I bet you love all the revenue your government gets from the billion dollar porn industry keeping your complaining ass from paying more in taxes.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4581d ago
SilentNegotiator4581d ago (Edited 4581d ago )

But then what are they going to fap to? I don't think they thought this one through.

Speed-Racer4581d ago

They better start mass downloading the HD stuff right now before the time runs out.

Blackdeath_6634581d ago

realisticly only horny teenage boys and no lives actually watch porn anyways.

f7897904581d ago

I seem to recall watching porn with my girlfriend recently. That was a great night.

HxCGamer4581d ago

as if...
I know quite a couple of girls that watch porn.

realistically**, you probably watch porn all the time, but are afraid to admit it.

Blackdeath_6634577d ago (Edited 4577d ago )

its not that im scared to admit watching porn. its just that when you reach a certain age you relaise how pathetic you once were.
clearly the 2 people above ^^ havent reached that age and i think thats a fair asumption to make based on your comments

MetalNCarnet4581d ago (Edited 4581d ago )

Now THIS is indeed a crime against humanity.

UPDATE: After giving it some more thought, THIS IS HOW WARS START!

Pyscho_Mantis4581d ago

are you fucking kidding me....someone takes away porn and your getting upset...just shows how much lust you have. If you are that desperate try and get a girl ffs.

I sincerely hope your joking.

mttrackmaster384581d ago

Stop being a judgmental prick. Porn is good for the soul.

MetalNCarnet4581d ago

I think you need to lighten the F up and learn to take a joke, or are you really that uptight about a joke issue such as this post?

AMZSS4581d ago

Actually porn destroys your soul , and makes you a prisoner to your lust.

conswella4581d ago (Edited 4581d ago )

People who do not understand human sexuality have no business talking about lust and prisoner to it and... whatever other idiocy. get away with your grossly misinformed opinions on souls, too.

AMZSS4581d ago

I left understanding souls for you (sarcastic) ... so what do you know about souls ?

Rauland4581d ago

Let them turn to rape, good job.

altairahmad4581d ago

According to all researches it is pornography which leads to rape and other violence against women and not the other way around....

Ripco_Keller4581d ago

That explains why rape NEVER HAPPENED until movies and the internet starting circulating porn. All of the sudden people were watching porn and thinking to themselves "You know what I should do? Rape and abuse women! Good idea! Never thought of that before!" Police had no idea how to deal with this completely new form of human atrocity until the supreme court held an emergency session enacting new laws to cover these unheard of crimes.

sealava4581d ago

welcome to post mubarak era .. islamists are coming with force .. dig holes and bury your freedoms in it.

Na3na34581d ago

Hazem Abo Ismail Era !!!!

monkey nuts4581d ago

Shazam bebo gotmail nero!!11!?

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CurrentDigital667d ago

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Still haven't been approved for Twitter Blue :/

gatewayinternational663d ago

study abroad is the chance to find yourself while acquiring a comprehension of an alternate culture. Being in another spot without help from anyone else can overpower on occasion.

458d ago
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