
Wireless Stereo Headset Product Video Review Gamerfitnation

GamerFitNation's Blackbible reviews the Wireless Stereo Headset by Sony.

The Wireless Stereo Headset by Sony is a masterful device for any gamer looking to get in the zone while playing an online game. Is it worth the steep $99.99 price point? Find out in our review!

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dexus4495d ago (Edited 4495d ago )

I had these for 7 days, after that I did return them to the store.
If you play at PS3, it's fine all sounds well though bass is a bit missing.
They can be used with PC also, but they are horible.
The microphone has super low quality (max 22khz) and they seem like they never sound right, at least not in Battlefield3 , I had very strange feeling using them.
They fit on the head very well and the ability to charge while using via USB is good.
But since the whole sound card used to produce the sound is located in the tiny USB stick it does not sound so good as other wireless headphones that use PC's sound card.
They last for about 5-6 hours of use for one charge.


Engadget - Sony PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset Review

Engadget - Powering it all down, and reflecting back on our time using the PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset, it's clear that Sony put a great deal of thought into this. The design and control layout is geared for long gaming sessions and the notification system is a welcome -- if slightly fragmented -- addition. Best of all, this stands as one of the least frustrating headset setups we've used in recent memory.

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-Mezzo-4630d ago

The PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset is hands down my best purchase of the year "so far", they are the best for their Price ( I know there are better headset's, but they exceed the $100 price tag, you just can't get a better Headset than this for $100 ).

I got mine last month & I'm having a blast with it, Played Red Dead, KZ3, Battlefield 3 Beta, Black Ops, Uncharted 3 etc, and the games feel like a completely new Experience, i feel more focused in the game & while playing I'm hearing sounds i never knew existed.

My Headset Picture:

Aussiegamer4630d ago

Ordered mine on the wknd, they are $168 here so im getting them from the uk for $98. Cant wait to try them, heard good things.