
Pocket-Lint: White Nokia Lumia 800 pictures and hands-on

Pocket-Lint: Nokia has announced that it will be making a white version of the Nokia Lumia 800 which will be going on sale at Phones 4 U in the UK in March and Pocket-lint was of course on hand to have a gander and snap a few shots ahead of the official release to the UK public.

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cyberbob4552d ago

i want this window phone now... the white one

BeastOrange4552d ago

I would gladly accept either one bob. My current phone might as well be analog!

southernbanana4552d ago

I haven't given in to the smart phone craze yet, but I believe this will be the phone that will drag me in. Especially since I have read this phone will be $100. with a two year contract. From what I have seen and read I will probably choose this phone over the iphone 4S. I could change my mind of course, but I haven't been much of an Apple fan lately.


Camera phones on test: HTC One X, iPhone 4S, Xperia S, Galaxy SII, Lumia 800

Pocket-Lint: Cameras are one of the main battlegrounds for modern smartphones, with each manufacturer looking to point out why theirs is better than the next rival.

"With ImageSense, HTC One rivals traditional digital cameras with improvements to every part of the camera", says HTC; "iPhone 4S includes an all new camera with the most advanced optics of any phone", says Apple; "leading Carl Zeiss optics" says Nokia. So, who do we believe, and, more importantly what difference does all the spec-talk about sensors and apertures make in real world use?

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Nokia Lumia 800 patch rolls out, 25-30 hours of battery life reported

MobileBliss: Nokia have released an update for the Lumia 800, which tackles a number of issues, mostly battery life. The phone can now reportedly deliver 25-30 hours on a single charge.

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The Nokia Lumia 800 Review [Wanderson75.net]

W75's Will Anderson takes a look at Nokia's first foray into the world of Windows Phone 7.

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