
Mark Zuckerberg Uses Facebook Account To Address SOPA

Evolve - The most powerful man in social media finally speaks out against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).

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JetP06194572d ago

The internet, really is the most powerful tool to keep everyone around the world connected, Great job mark!

fatstarr4572d ago

smh he b*ched out.
if fb blacked out in protest it would have scared the world.

SKUD4572d ago

Doesn't surprise me all he took the easy route. The bottom line would of been affected if the site blacked out in protest. 4chan > Facebook.

snoop_dizzle4572d ago (Edited 4572d ago )

You do realize there are many businesses that use Facebook? There isn't just a loss for Facebook but businesses/users as well. They are just leaving themselves out there to be sued then. I have a feeling that's why Google didn't blackout either. Although I think blacking out Google services would be a lot worse than blacking out Facebook given everything Google offers.

Either way, it worked. A lot of my non-techie friends on Facebook know about SOPA/PIPA now because of the Zuckerberg post and other people posting. In fact, them staying open probably helped out a lot, as people were able to explain numerous times what was going on. Before yesterday, they didn't.

However, I do think they could of gone the route of Google and on their login page blackout their logo and give a link or explanation right there on what's going on.

Speed-Racer4572d ago

Facebook and Twitter are excellent platforms to spread the word. Shutting them down would have unintentionally undermined the efforts put about by Wikipedia and other sites. I can guarantee that a lot of my friends who were not aware of the situation, are now strong supporters of the idea. They know now because of the news spiraling down the social grapevines.

I think though a blacked out logo linking to Mark's message would have been exceptional though, because with almost a billion users, I'm pretty sure a lot would have seen it and added to the support.

SKUD4572d ago (Edited 4572d ago )

I understand that the site's bread and butter is focused on marketing generating capital through social networking. They have dedicated them selves to the business side rather then the users.

Due to the magnitude of the site I just can't help but think what a huge stand it could of taken to raise awareness. No one really understands just how important it is until its taken away. Users are loosing legal battles regarding the network. This was just another missed opportunity IMO. I do commend sites who took a greater stand facing this issue.

Hozi4571d ago

The good thing is that he doesn't support the idea at all and that kool with me.


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