
Murdoch tweets about Myspace: 'We screwed up in Every Way Possible'

NRM: "We've received a personal insight, via Rupert Murdoch's Twitter account, into what the man on top of the world of News Corp thought of his organisation's Myspace conquests. The good thing is he saw it to be the catastrophe that we noted it to be also."

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SquishyGorilla4577d ago

This could prove to be damaging for Timberlake's TV efforts to bring the Myspace brand back...if there was ever going to be a comeback that is.

contra1574577d ago

screwed that up real bad. sinking ship.


Airlines abandon Twitter customer service amid high API fees

Airlines, Air France, KLM, and Ryanair no longer offer customer service support using Twitter's direct message functionality.

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According to Elon Musk, writing essays will soon be possible on Twitter

Also read: This full length article provides briefing about virtual data room for startup. You too can contact if you are new at your business.

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502d ago

Elon Musk says Twitter will get new changes to its UI in Feb 2023

Elon Musk has recently declared that Twitter is going to roll out the latest changes to its user interface in order to give a better experience to users.

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