
Windows on an iPad: OnLive Desktop Rents You PC in the Cloud

Scott Stein of CNet:

"Can iPads and tablets eventually kill the laptop? OnLive thinks it has the solution.

The limitations currently make such a proposition unlikely, but OnLive's announcement of a cloud-based Windows environment for the iPad provides an alternative to the App Store. Color CNet intrigued, but skeptical."

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fatstarr4580d ago (Edited 4580d ago )

its going to be a win for micorosoft, I see their plan secretly plant the microsoft seeds in every market in some form.


Famous ChatGPT app Petey is currently available for iPad

The famous ChatGPT application for Apple Watch, Petey, became available for iPhone a couple of months ago.

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Apple macOS 14 Sonoma: Release date, features and Mac compatibility

Apple’s next operating system for its Mac models is called macOS 14 Sonoma, in this article, we will give you some details about the tech giant’s next version of macOS.

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Apple has cut trade-in values for iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks

Trade-in value has been slashed ahead of the holiday shopping season.

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