
Has the world's largest gadget expo lost its mojo?

GoodGearGuide: "The International Consumer Electronics Show takes place next week in Las Vegas, and as always there will be plenty to trigger our technolust. Teaser press releases from exhibitors augur a new suite of super-thin laptops and mid-range tablets, plus Internet-connected cars and TVs, as well as the latest developments in charging and connecting devices without wires.

What we crave, of course, is more full-blown gadget porn, sleek new devices that blow us away. But the big-name makers have already emptied their collective bag of tricks -- Sony's Vita handheld gaming console launched last month in Japan, following the debuts of Amazon's Kindle Fire tablet and the latest iPhone. And those who want actual porn will have to come back to Vegas the week after CES, when the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo comes to town."

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C_Menz4587d ago

I think to an extent it has lost some of it's "mojo" but I still look forward to it every year. It has become harder for these expos and events to be as huge as they were prior to the amount of social media and connectivity now. Much more important news can be released regularly now and still receive a ton of attention just through people passing it around on Twitter or Facebook.

rmedtx4585d ago

I think part of that "loosing the mojo" has to do with our weak economy. In the past it was really easy to get excited by new gadgets because we could afford them.

GrumpyVeteran4585d ago

Possibly but there are some things detailed already that I want to hear more about at CES.


CES 2012 and technology trade shows: What's the real ROI of attending?

N10: Annual tech industry expo the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) has just wrapped, introducing a slew of 2012's best new high-tech gadgets, apps and online services. But having absorbed the conference's record 20,000 new product debuts, provided courtesy of 3100 companies who demoed across a record-breaking 1.861 million net square feet of exhibition space, we're still left with more questions than answers. Chief among them: With launches in key categories like smartphones and tablet PCs largely taking a backseat to thinner connected TVs and expanding cloud multimedia services, does the show still remain relevant for entrepreneurs and small business owners?


Icrontic: The highlights of CES 2012

Icrontic writes:
"CES 2012 is over, but the faded memories reveal the things that stick out the most in our heads: The things we loved at CES."

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BeastOrange4552d ago

I have pretty much seen all the highlights already posted on here. Not much has been missed really.


Lenovo pitches all-in-one B540 PC for gaming and entertainment

News10: While all-in-one PCs aren't exactly high on the wish lists of mainstream PC gamers, Lenovo rep Michael Littler believes his company's IdeaCenter B540 might do the trick.