Icrontic writes: "The start of a new year brings a bit of a shakeup to the Gawker network as Brian Crescente and Joel Johnson are no longer with Kotaku."
The founder of Gawker Media, Nick Denton, defends the company's actions in the long-running legal battle against tech billionaire Peter Thiel.
Facebook says the billionaire who is helping people sue Gawker Media - threatening the publisher's future - will stay on its board.
TechCrunch: "PC Magazine and PC World began competing when PC Mag employees refused to go along with the acquisition. A similar thing happened in the early days of Gizmodo when Pete Rojas was hired away from Gawker Media to start Engadget. I read these two blogs a decade ago while slaving away at Laptop Magazine/PC Upgrade which, as you can easily surmise, no longer have print editions either. This little power struggle created the two juggernauts of this decade and ushered in the demise of the computer magazine."
Their traffic is actually going up across the Gawker board, so think their template shake up was just a growing pain, but people got accustomed.
The redesign is just horrible . Doesnt matter what the content is , it is generally thought as "un-readable"