
Would You Like to Eat Some Watermelon That Tastes Like Tuna?

Gadgehit writes: "Would you really want to eat watermelon that tastes like tuna? Well that’s exactly what chefs at the moto restaurant, Homaro Cantu and Ben Roche, want you to do in the future. You may not believe it, but the image above is in fact a piece of watermelon that has been modified, through various cooking methods, to taste like tuna and disguised as a tuna roll."

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gaffyh4601d ago

Definitely looks incredibly similar to an actual tuna roll, but I hate tuna so it's a no go for me.

Speed-Racer4601d ago

Nope, I hate tuna. It should be the other way around.

gaffyh4601d ago

Now THAT would be a impressive feat, but I don't think it would make much sense on an environmental scale. I would do it though, just to see people's faces when they bite into something thinking it's tuna, and it turn out to be watermelon. hehe *tents fingers like Mr Burns*

aDDicteD4600d ago

wow,,it looks tasty ,, first time I've heard of this

Merivigian4600d ago

This is pretty old. I saw this on a now canceled show that they had, on an episode well over a year ago.


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