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Super Memory boosting pill in the works

What's Hawt: "Neuroscientists at the Baylor College of Medicine have discovered that inhibiting the PKR molecule in the brain can significantly boost learning and memory capabilities."

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Speed-Racer4779d ago

Reminded me of that movie "limitless", hopefully inhibiting PKR won't have any other adverse side effects, but I guess that's what product testing is for.

Vortex3D4778d ago (Edited 4778d ago )

The scary part is none of the enhancer drugs sold today have gone through long enough time in testing. Just because the drug doesn't appear to have side effects after 1-2 years, it's not possible to know what will happen 10 years later especially if the drug is often taken for 10 years. Testing on animals can only tell you so much.

And then, the consumers who take the drug like an easy miracle drug. Just because it's said to have no known long team side effects, they take it at will and then become dependent on the drug because the body doesn't know how to function naturally. To the company who makes and sells the drug, the more addicted the consumers, the better it is for them. More money. Consumers don't care as long it works now and if anything goes wrong in a few years, sue the drug manufacturer.

_Q_4779d ago

I am down for some testing! lol @ RacerX. I instantly thought the same.

kingPoS4779d ago (Edited 4779d ago )

Question is? it addictive? And if you stop taking them will you suffer withdraw or other side effects.

Vortex3D4778d ago

Today's society is all about minimum amount of time and efforts to learn on your own. If there's an enhancer drug, take it to further reduce the time and efforts. Deal with withdraw and side effects later. If can't, sue the drug manufacturer.

Marked4778d ago

I imagine its will have side effects just like any other drug that manipulates the balances in the brain. Once the brain notices an influx of specific chemicals, it stops producing them. Then when the influx is taken away, the brain must try and find its original balance....which it cant. Its a life long strugle of ups and downs.

kingPoS4776d ago (Edited 4776d ago )

I don't really like the idea of being reliant on any kind of pill.
But unfortunately in today's world it's a necessary evil for alot of people to take pills(even every day). T_T

Pikajew4779d ago

There are so much stuff I want to forget. Why would I take this?

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