
MIT offering free courses online with unofficial certification

What's Hawt: "The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) will soon be offering free online courses available to the public, and will even award a certificate of completion for the work done."

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Speed-Racer4603d ago

Anyone planning to take part in this?

IllusionRSN4603d ago

Nah, I'm all dome with school.

Speed-Racer4603d ago

Never too late to learn something new.

Crazay4602d ago

MIT + Free = Awesome. It may not be an official accreditation but you could at least show employers what you're doing. It shows a work ethic and the want to learn new things. That makes an employee valuable and MAYBE you'll get lucky and the company will pay for you to get proper education.

Halow4602d ago

I see no reason to not try and better myself with free classes.

juanvan4602d ago

Think I might take a look into it..

thebudgetgamer4602d ago

I like to watch the sessions on youtube. I'ts almost like going to M.I.T.

gaden_malak4602d ago

Depends on the courses, I might take a look.


Watch this drone bossing an obstacle course like it's no big deal

If Christmas is good for anything, it's videos of people opening drones and breaking them only minutes later. But fear not, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has discovered a way to make drones seemingly impervious to any obstacle.

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Exoplanet Hunters Made Key Finds in 2015

When it comes to science, exoplanets are easy to love. They play roles in most science fiction books and movies and spark the imagination of nearly everyone. Beyond the realm of fiction, understanding these worlds remains a significant challenge that astronomers are working hard to overcome.


High-Tech FingerReader Reads To The Blind in Real Time


Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are developing an audio reading device to be worn on the index finger of people whose vision is impaired, giving them affordable and immediate access to printed words.

The so-called FingerReader, a prototype produced by a 3D printer, fits like a ring on the user's finger, equipped with a small camera that scans text. A synthesized voice reads words aloud, quickly translating books, restaurant menus and other needed materials for daily living, especially away from home or office.