
Editorial: Google+ is not a social media game changer

New Rising Media: "So New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan has made some pretty bold claims as to the state of Google+ via an interview with Mashable.

Google+ has an obvious advantage in search results, presents unique opportunities for brands and is backed by deep pockets, he argues. And all of these factors make it a social media platform that will stick around in a big way.

In respects, his argument for the social network succeeding make sense. Comparing it to Facebook at such an early stage in development is the equivalent of comparing the aforementioned to Myspace back in 2006: it's still rather early days, and has a lot of changes to undergo. But in it's current state, Brogan pointed out the crucial flaw with Google+ via one of his points deemed as a positive."

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rpad4607d ago

Interesting point of view, but one of several anti-Google+ rants that misses the point. Beyond the actual service, Google+ fuels the socialization of search. That's just huge.


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