
SteelSeries Desmo Digital Eyewear Review (BmR)

BenchmarkReviews.com: For those of us in the field of technology eyestrain is a constant threat to our ability to work. Whether it is headaches, dry eyes, or just general discomfort, eyestrain is the bane of tech people everywhere. Further exacerbating the problem, the same people who work on computers all day may enjoy relaxing by playing games on computers also. Here to help combat eyestrain is SteelSeries with its DESMO line of digital eyewear co-created with Gunnar to help reduce eye fatigue. During the length of this article, Benchmark Reviews will evaluate the SteelSeries DESMO and their effect on eyestrain and fatigue.

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The Everything Guide To Google Glass

WebMuch: Google Glass is a wearable waterproof device that has been created to make your life easier, and it also gives you a chance to experience life in a new way. The device has a (prism) screen, a camera, a touchpad and a microphone, and it’s more comfortable to wear than your average sunglasses. You can use the device with simple commands like “take a picture”, or “record a video” and even get directions.

cb8104089d ago

Is Google Glass the new bluetooth ear piece?

leoshastri4089d ago (Edited 4089d ago )

No. Check out the video I'm linking from YouTube.. And if you don't go crazy, tell me, I'll kill you..


mrxbox4089d ago

^^^Oh GOD NO.. Google glass is one of the best upcoming tech devices you will ever see.. And BLUETOOTH?? For real..??