Pinoytutorial: Due to boredom or perhaps an unwritten challenge, hackers just can’t resist the temptation of porting Android on other platforms. Today, the Nokia N900 takes center stage as one hacker attempts to port the delectable Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) using NITDroid.
My Tech Update - Datawind which is well known for it’s affordable tablet "Akash" has entered the Indian smartphone market with the launch of it’s 3 Dual-SIM phablets. All the three phablets start with a name Pocketsurfer and their prices start at Rs. 3,499. These smartphones are equipped with Datawind’s patented mobile internet technology which helps webpages load faster even on the 2G networks.
Maximum PC: Still waiting on your device maker and wireless carrier to dish up Jelly Bean to replace Ice Cream Sandwich on your mobile phone? Hey, it could be worse. You could be stuck on Android 2.3.x (Gingerbread) where 44.1 percent of all Android users reside, or on an even older build (Froyo, Elcair, or Donut), which collectively account another 9.6 percent of the Android camp. Add them together you have nearly 54 percent of the Android userbase rocking a dated version of their OS.
Technology Blog, If you have a CDMA as well as a GSM sim card and want a dual sim android mobile then look no further. HTC Desire VC is among few of the CDMA+GSM android handsets available in India and Indonesia. I'm personally using this phone for last 2 months and it's performance is simple outstanding.