
Turn your WinPhone into an Xbox remote

Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Dashboard update this week will introduce a smart phone application that turns your Windows Phone handset into an Xbox system remote.

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WhatsApp won't work on these phones anymore

WhatsApp announced ending support for some phones, and it won't work on them. The popular messaging platform, owned by Facebook, has updated its support

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Windows Phone Failed As I Was Distracted By An Antitrust Case: Bill Gates

Moreover, the world influenced by Android and iOS the company has been accommodated, he is not excessively anxious for the future of Microsoft.

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1920d ago

Microsoft has Finally Admitted that Windows Phone is Dead

Microsoft's Corporate Vice President for Windows, Joe Belfiore, has finally admitted that Windows Phone will be ceasing its existence.

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billyysanderss2680d ago

I have windows OS on my phone and I love it.....sorry


I do not get it, if they still made windows phones, I would most definitely still support them. It was a much more professional and better looking OS than Android and IOS, definitely prefered Windows OS, but oh well, it is what it is.

blacktiger2680d ago

Dude android is more of a Windows desktop than Windows phone. Questions is what of design is that, with bunch of tiles and crap!

KTF262680d ago

I don't think the tiles are the problem
The problem is they decided to use the same interface for desktop to make people more familiar with these tiles.
Because of this people hate it Windows Phone.

at the end they got what they deserve.

mcstorm2680d ago

@PATR1CKSOMMER I'm with you on this there was a lot Microsoft did right with Windows Phone/Mobile but also daft calls they made with it.

For me the live tiles were far better than widgets and icons, Cortana reading text messages out with voice command was way ahead of both Apple and Androids offering.

For me the clean look of WP/WM was a lot nicer than IOS and Android. They Keyboard was the best of any I have used.

The integrated side of Microsoft's services were also great Office365, Groove, Xbox ect.
Every phone having a dedicated camera button was also great to.

For me the biggest plus was continuum this was a great idea and work every well for what I needed it for and replaced my laptop for most day to day things.

The biggest issue was lack of apps and accessories.

For me I am not a big app user and don't game on my phone but losing apps like paypal, Amazon pushed me to move to Android and also the lack of wearable devices to. I had a band 1 and 2 and loved it but also wanted a watch but this was again limited.
Also a contactless payment system was missing from the phone/os in the UK anyway.

I have now moved to android but it was still hard to find a phone that matched what I wanted. I ended up going with the Xperia xz Premium as this offered more of what I wanted in a phone than LG, Samsung, HTC ect.

I do wonder if ms will make an android phone with continuum

DillyDilly2680d ago

Here comes Surface Phones though

BumpFrankie2680d ago

Yes! This is what they need to focus on. They've already established a damn fine line of tablets and laptops with this brand, this would entice consumers to look more at their phones with this design philosophy. I have been planning on getting a Surface tablet in the future, if they offered a Surface phone to boot it would almost be a guaranteed purchase from me for both products.

ajax172680d ago

I didn't even know they still made Windows phones. Lol, I thought they gave up a while ago.

adamalfredin2680d ago

Time change Technology Change Mentality Change...

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