
VisionTek Radeon HD 6850 Video Card Review (BmR)

BenchmarkReviews.com: Most of us love to look at the latest reviews of the most hardcore PC components and keep apprised of what's going on up in the clouds, but when it comes down to it, we are going to end up buying something that is a little more affordable. So while reviews of those items are certainly interesting to read, it's nice to see something a little more mid-ranged. I'm talking about something that will play the latest video games, even though I might have to turn down some of the settings. In this article, Benchmark Reviews is taking a look at the VisionTek 900339 Radeon HD 6850 graphics card. The newest series of GPUs has been out for a while now, and we've seen the performance charts. We don't expect any surprises from the VisionTek 900339, but that's not going to stop us from putting it through its paces and overclocking it. We want to see where the VisionTek Radeon HD 6850 differs from other cards, especially since it sits near the top end of the price range for Radeon HD 6850s.

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VisionTek UVC 60 Capture Card Now Available on Amazon

The VisionTek UVC 60 Capture Card is now available on Amazon.

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PC & Gaming Component Prices To Rise By 15-30% As US Tariffs Soar

PC component prices are set to rise courtesy of the new US tariffs that may come into effect from September 6th. Expect hardware costs to rise by 15 to 30%.

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Cobra9512150d ago

I've long said that I'd be willing to pay 3 times as much for a stereo (yeah, that's how long) if it keeps the good jobs from bleeding out of the US. Well, we've practically bled out since, at least in production and manufacturing. I don't know that the pain from these tariffs will lead to a welcome reversal of fortune, but I don't mind the effort--not yet, anyway. I have no trust that the government as a whole will follow through.

The theory is quite simple: if a chair costs $50 to make here, that's what it will cost to make elsewhere and import here. Companies can either ignore the US market, or deal with the imposed level playing field. Someone will pick up the slack if others decide they don't want to play by those rules. The reality is filled with complications and corruptions, and the effort may be for naught. Time will tell.

bow2yoda2150d ago

none of this stuff or anything similar is made in the us. this is a price hike because they can... and we cannot do anything about it. unless u want to turn the us to a toxic wasteland from pcb production


Report: AMD to launch a new RX 500 Video Card series next week

According to the recent reports, AMD is expected to launch a new RX 500 Video Card series next week on April 18.

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