
The Pundit Previews: Aakash Tablet a.k.a Ubislate Preview - Be Wary of Battery, GPRS and Data plan

At just 57$, a tablet this cheap is irresistible, especially when it comes with Froyo. But there are some things that you should know about the battery life and the data connection.

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Datawind UbiSlate 7Cx, UbiSlate 3G7 and UbiSlate 9Ci launched

Gadgetgyaan - Datawind company has launched the three UbiSlate 7 series tablets which are UbiSlate 7Cx, Ubislate 3G7 and UbiSlate 9Ci.These three are the tablet which are launched today and every one of these are priced low which is going to be one of the best things for the consumers.We can say that these are the affordable Android tablets in India and these specifications of each of these tablets are mentioned

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Is Aakash “World’s Cheapest” Tablet worth buying?

TechTeria: Decide yourself whether UbiSlate, the "world's cheapest" tablet is worth buying or not. Take a look at the comparisons between it's two versions.

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fatstarr4594d ago

WTF is an RS rubies or something? and how much is that american?

ThirstyforFanta4594d ago

It's written in the article..
"one is Students’ version (Aakash/UbiSlate 7) which will cost around Rs 2,500 (approx. $47 USD) and the other one is UBIslate7+ Tablet, with a more powerful processor and features, which is set to be released later will cost around Rs 3,000 (approx. $56 USD)."

fatstarr4593d ago (Edited 4593d ago )

thank you. that's pretty cheap. and Im pretty sure that wasnt there when I read the article the first time.

kronicgeek4593d ago

@fatstarr: Yeah sorry for that, I updated the post with USD conversion so that people will be able to compare it to their currencies easily.