Pocket-Lint: The BlackBerry Bold 9790 acts like the baby brother to the 9900. It is a slimmer, lighter version of the aluminium-wrapped flagship BlackBerry handset. And while it was just announced just yesterday, Pocket-lint has already managed to get its hands on one of the new BlackBerry 7-powered 9790 phones.
The first thing you notice about the 9790 is how similar it feels to the other new BlackBerry announcement; the all-touch Curve 9380. Both have a similar silver plastic wraparound that sits on the back of the handset and both sport that strange built-in lock button that sits on the top.
Pocket-Lint: Like the BlackBerry Bold 9900 but feel it's a little too wide? Research In Motion hears you, it seems, and has announced that it will be bringing a new, slimmer version of the BlackBerry Bold to the UK after Christmas.
The BlackBerry Bold 9790, as it will be known, is more an update to the BlackBerry Bold 9780 rather than just a thinner version of the Bold 9900. And it features a QWERTY keyboard, optical trackpad and touch display for the first time.
Crackberry: Seems as though the BlackBerry Bold 9790 just can't stay under the covers. It has been blurry-cammed, shot in high-res and even outed by RIM themselves in the past and yet -- we're getting another look at the device.
N4BB: RIM has put up a post for developers with notes on screen resolution sizes for two upcoming BlackBerry 7 devices. Those devices happen to be the Curve 9380 ‘Orlando/Malibu‘ and the Bold 9790 ‘Bellagio‘.