Pocket-Lint: Lurking in the settings menu of the latest version of Android on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus you'll find a little hidden treat: a tribute to Nyan Cat, the YouTube-smashing 8-bit Pop-Tart cat shooting rainbows out of its behind.
To access the treat you'll have to head into the settings, neatly accessed via the notifications bar in Ice Cream Sandwich. In the "about phone" section you'll find the details of the Android version.
TechDeville: Installation process will take a few minutes. After that your Galaxy Note N7000 will reboot with Android 4.0.4 DDLRB official firmware
DeviceSeeker: The official Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich ROM has been leaked on the internet by TeamBAMF. It was taken directly from Verizon one way or another as the carrier itself is preparing to release the update for HTC Thunderbolt 4G users.
TechFlashed : Apple is known for its innovation but there are numerous things where we can say Android is ahead of Apple and perhaps it wouldn't be wrong to assume that in the near future Apple may learn some things from Android.Android 4.1 is the fastest and smoothest version of Android yet with improvements throughout the platform and they have added interactive features for users and developers. But beware apple is not new in the business - Apple could bounce back with iOS 6 and has the potential to hit Android hard .
more like how many things apple can rip off from android like the notification drop down menu.....
I love how all you Android fanboys complain about how Apple "steals stuff" and is "number 1" and all this other crap. To be quite honest, I don't think anybody cares about these facts at all. Both phones have their ups and downs.
Remember that Apple basically reinvented this new smartphone industry. If anything, Android stole a hell of a lot and just took it further.
Apple stole stuff and Android stole stuff. Apple was the first to bring some of this to a smartphone, but some of it was already there with palm pilots, some with Windows Tablet PCs, and some with other phones. It just pisses me off when Apple claims everyone is just copying them and they are the only innovators in features consumers want. A heck of a lot of features were there before Apple, and Apple were just copying the same ideas to a smartphone.